Songs and Shadows

Start from the beginning

Great. What was Nico supposed to say now?

He had wanted to just lie low and act normal for a while. That had been the plan. Sleep like a zombie. Do what he does every sing-along. But when he saw Reyna heading to the amphitheater on her own (yes, he was spying on her), he realized how dumb he was being. She would be staying at Camp Half-Blood for a few months. That's an awful short time. He might as well make the most of her stay.

So, in the middle of getting dressed for bed, he just went out of his cabin and headed straight for the amphitheater. Straight for her.

Along the way Nico had another encounter with pretty boy Megan. He was going to Reyna as well, no doubt to flex his biceps in front of her and wink incessantly or something. Nico had to get the guy out of the way, which was kinda easy.

Everything was going fine. Nico was sitting beside Reyna, they were talking, a good song was playing. . . And then that slips out of his mouth. It's different with you here. Good thing she didn't hear. If she did. . .

Gods. He didn't even want to think about it.

Beside him, Reyna cleared her throat. The fire, which had turned red for some reason, was casting a scarlet glow on her face. Nico couldn't help staring at her. With her perfect posture, high cheekbones and brooding dark eyes, she looked so much like royalty. He was almost tempted to curtsy in front of her or something. But he also noticed that she was eyeing Jason and Piper, who were huddled in the topmost row. Jason had one arm wrapped around Piper's shoulders, their heads pressed close.

Reyna's expression didn't look pained. It was wistful. Was she thinking of what could have been if Jason hadn't gone over to the Greek camp? Of what it would've felt like if she was the one wrapped in Jason's embrace and not Piper?

Strangely, the thought made Nico's throat constrict. He looked at Reyna closely and saw that she was sad, alright. But maybe a little hopeful too.

"Storms, they will come
But I know that the sun will shine again. . ."

"So. . ." Nico started. Reyna turned to him, her melancholic daze gone -- or hidden. "This song is nice."

Probably the most stupidly obvious thing to say, but he didn't really care. Anything to keep a conversation running.

And besides, he wanted to make her happy. Or at least feel good.

"Very nice," she agreed. A smile formed slowly on her lips, but it still had a hint of sadness. "You like it?"

"Yeah." He pressed his hands together. "Makes me want to sing in the shower. Really work out my vocal cords, you know."

Reyna laughed, and Nico was surprised by how much he liked the sound. "I'm having a hard time imagining you singing, much less in the shower. And believe me, I've seen it."

His cheeks burned (Did she really see him in the shower?), but he just raised an eyebrow at her. "Want me to prove it? I'm going to sing right now, Praetor RA-RA."

"Bring it on, Captain Corpse," she challenged, folding her arms over her chest.

"That nickname is worse than Death Boy, but okay." Nico cleared his throat loudly and tried to sing along with Reyna's recruit, Will Desjardins. He ended up stating the lyrics in a stiff and robotic way.

But after one and a half line, he gave up.

"Alright, I therefore conclude that I really can't sing," Nico said, raising his palms in surrender. Reyna just clapped him in the back.

The campers started to clap along with the song, swaying. She broke into a smile and started doing the same. The sadness in her eyes completely vanished. She elbowed Nico gently, laughing. "Don't just sit there. You look like a floorboard suspended on some cables. Sing!"

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