Khadgar - Warcraft (2016)

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Khadgar x Reader: Roles

A/N: ...Guess who saw the Warcraft movie? And quite enjoyed it?

*quiet voice* and quite enjoyed him....

I know it's a big thing with hardcore WoW fans about how the movie was, blah blah, but as a person with only a small amount of exposure to the lore and a huge love of fantasy movies I really loved it. Fight me.

This sort of takes place shortly before the movie story begins. If his character is chronologically doing something before this point...then I'm sorry that I didn't do enough research.

Also, I left your character's back story as fairly vague. All that matters is that you're running from something, but you pick what :)

(Y/N) = Your Name.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything relating to this long lasting fandom. All that I own are my own fantasies.

You could feel the eyes on you seconds after they landed on you. You felt every lingering stare that was thrown your way. You felt every glance in your direction.

You grew used to these feelings. Often being a lone female traveler arose some suspicion and attention, especially with your knack of choosing the shadier taverns and inns to rest at during the nights. You were in the habit of looking up, giving the man at the time a good death glare, and turning back to whatever was occupying your attention. Normally that worked, and if it didn't...well, your record wasn't as clean as most would expect when they looked at you.

Tonight you were sitting in a fairly empty tavern, your eyes having adjusted to the dim lighting as you quietly read the thick book on mythology you had acquired in the previous town you had visited. You had a weakness for literature, a weakness that often ate up the majority of the time you had spent on the run. So combining the facts that you had a new book in hand, a large mug of alcohol and a relatively quiet atmosphere left you in an incredibly mellow mood.

Your drink was barely half finished when the feeling of being watched began to creep in.

As you slowly crossed you legs and reclined slightly, you tilted your head up and gazing around the room, craning your neck in order to give the impression that you were simply stretching and finding a comfortable reading position.

There he was.

Just across from you sat a man, dark haired with slight facial hair and sporting a blue cloak. His gaze flickered away quickly when he saw you look up, but you knew that the attention was coming from him.

Why though? What could he want with you?

Forming a quick plan in your mind, you began to drink slightly faster as you nonchalantly continued reading. When one of the beautiful ladies working tonight noticed your drink was empty, she sauntered over, smiling at you with blindingly white teeth and bright eyes.

"Don't look now miss," you said lightly, motioning her to crouch slightly so she could hear you as she refilled your mug, "but do you happen to know who the man in the blue cloak is?"

"You mean the lone one?" she questioned quietly, shrugging. "He came in not too long after you, seemed quite tired. Must be a traveler; I've never seen him in here before."

You smiled at her. "Thank you, miss."

You didn't know who he was, but he wasn't some known murderer or creep around here, and that was enough for you. When you looked up at him again a few minutes later, he was unmistakably looking at you, your eyes meeting for a few moments before he noticed and turned away.

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