Vincent Valentine - Final Fantasy VII/Dirge of Cerberus

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Vincent Valentine x Reader: There's a Difference Between Atoning and Running

For the sexy Vincent. I imagine that shortly after the events of FFVII he tried sneaking back into that coffin of his, and I just won't stand for that, so this was written J

Also, apologies if this one or any of the upcoming one shots are short and shitty. I may go back and edit them, but for now I want to get some done before I'm trapped in the whirlwind of project's I've been assigned for the next months. Because why would I be given a break before and during Christmas break, right? -.-

(Y/N) = Your Name.

Disclaimer: I own no Final Fantasy Characters or plot. Unfortunately.

"Vincent," you groaned for what felt like the thousandth time. You were sitting cross legged, leaning against the coffin that you had decided was the worst thing in the world. "Come on!"

No answer.


There was never any answer.

"Vincent...?" you tried changing the emphasis on your word.

Still nothing.

"Oh, come on you fucking asshole! I've been waiting for you to come out for the past week! And waiting in this dank ass room for three hours!"

"(Y/N), please leave," came the low, gravelly voice of the Ex-Turk.

"Why?" you questioned stubbornly. "You're treating me like I'm as annoying as Yuffie."

"At the moment, you are."

"I'm not leaving you here to sulk for another thirty years, Valentine," you said firmly.


You let out a huff of air. This man would be the death of you. This stubborn, coward, gorgeous, amazing man.

Yes, you had feelings for him. That was no secret, except maybe to him. But considering that even Barrett and Cid could tell that you had feelings for him you wouldn't be shocked if Vincent had figured it out as well.

That being said you didn't know a lot about him. You knew he was an ex-Turk and fell in love with the woman he was assigned to protect. You knew shit went down and she ended up sleeping with the same scientist who later experimented on Vincent (talk about awkward). You knew the biggest points of this man's life, but none of the smaller events in between to fill in the cracks of the image you were painting of this man. It didn't help that he so rarely talked about himself.

Regardless, you still liked him.

"Vincent, I swear if you don't come out I will crawl into that coffin with you."


You held in a growl as you stood up, determined. "You think I'm joking. That's cute."

You swiftly lifted the lid of the coffin, revealing the unchanging face of Vincent Valentine, and crawled directly on top of him before letting the lid fall back down and rest against your back.

"Well this is cozy," you said sarcastically, face buried against the gunman's neck and holding back your blush. You noted that his heart rate had elevated slightly, though you didn't think much of it.

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