Evidence▫️chapter 11

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**Matthew's POV**

We reached Arthur's house that he share's with Francis. I was about to knock on the door but Alfred pushed me aside and opened the door and walked inside. I sighed. "Iggy! I got some Awesome new!" Alfred yells. I heard a groan from the kitchen and we walked in. We saw Arthur trying to make pancakes but was failing horribly. I walked over and shooed him off. I started to make the pancakes. I listened to their conversation. "So what do you need?" Arthur asks politely while sipping his tea. "Well I found this awesome evidence that Y/n is in fact Treecano." Alfred said taking my credit. I roll my eyes. "Really and what is that?" Arthur asks. Alfred's eyes widen as he smiles sheepishly. I walk over and set down a paper that had all the evidence that I found written on it. I walk back over and continue with the pancakes while Arthur reads it over. "Wow! Let's show this to the others!" Arthur said. Arthur and Alfred called everyone and got them all to come over

Soon they all arrived. "Why are we here?" Ludwig asked irritated. "I found proof that Y/n is Treecano." Alfred said with a large smile. "Actually Matthew did." Arthur said. Everyone raised their eyebrows. "Who's Matthew?" I heard that from everyone. I sighed and looked down at my feet sadly. "We what is this evidence?" Ludwig asked. Arthur and Alfred explained it and after everyone seemed to agree.

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