Feli!--Chapter 2

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**Hetalia's POV**

Today was our first day at our new school. We were approaching the school's entrance. We walked while Feliciano skipped the whole way there. Gilbert was talking about whatever Gilbert talks about till he said something that ticked off Ludwig. Ludwig stopped watching Feliciano and started yelling at Gilbert. When he turned back to Feliciano, he was gone. Ludwig started to panic. "Guys where's Feli?" He asked. They all started looking around and panicking. "Ve~I'm a sorry. I'm a sorry." They heard Feliciano's voice from the distance by the side of the school. They rushed over to see Feli cowering in front of a guy almost the size of Alfred. There was a crowd surrounding them. The countries pushed through the crowd. They saw as the guy pushed around Feli. Ludwig heard the guy reach a point that made Feli start to cry and he had had enough. He and Lovino moved forward to help him but were stopped when an arm was put in front of them to keep them from moving forward. They looked back to see a girl, with neon pink hair (Tori) using her arms to keep them from advancing. "Idiota raga-" Lovino started but then saw the girl pointing at something. They followed her gaze and saw two relatively beautiful girls moving around the guy. They looked alike so they were probably related. The girls pushed Feli back to Ludwig who pushed the trembling Italian beside him. They listened to the guy and the girls conversation. "What do you losers want?" He growled. The girls glanced at each other. "Losers? Huh, I quite frankly remember the last time this" The (h/c)girl (You) said "happened, it ended with you running away crying for your Mommy. Is that gonna happen today too?" SHe continued. Some students except for the new students 'oohd'. "Shut it." He hissed. Then the black haired girl. (August: she dyed her hair) said "Eh? You hear that (y/n), he's trying to tell us what to do." She says while looking at '(y/n)' then she turns back to the guy. "Well I don't think so. We don't take orders from a guy whose opinion doesn't matter and isn't important." She said. He narrowed his eyes at them. "I beg to differ." He said. "Beg all you want, but no one will care because again, your opinion doesn't matter and isn't important. Are you having trouble understanding or do you need a hearing aid. I think it's both." (Y/n) said. "Ugh" The boy seethed and stomped off. "Bye Bye." The girls said while waving at him. They high fived then walked to the entrance of the school. Some students cheered while we stood wide eyed at where they once stood. They were really brave to stand up to him. "That was so COOL!" Alfred said. "Awesome." Gilbert said.

We were now in the Principal's office waiting for him to return with someone to show us around the school. "Ohohohohohoh. I hope it is a beautiful girl." Francis says. "You bloody git." Arthur yells. Then a fight broke loose while Kiku and Matthew stood off to the side and watched. The door then opened but no one paid attention except for the two off to the side. There stood the two girls who saved Feli earlier. They kept trying to get the country's attention. Matthew sent them an apologetic expression. The black haired girl finally had had enough and stood on a chair and whistled loudly. We all covered our ringing ears. "Dang that was loud." Alfred complained. "Sorry, but you all needed to shut up." The dirty blonde 'apologised'. "Ok now we will be giving all of you a tour around the school. My name is(y/n) and this is my sister August. Welcome. Yadah Yadah Yadah. Now let's go." She said then left the office with August right behind her. We all looked at each other then followed the girls. "Ohohohohohohoh I was right. They are very beautiful" Francis said and earned a slap from Arthur. As we passed different rooms we were told what was what and which was which.

"Ok and that's the end of this tour and we don't care if you enjoy your stay at this stupid school," August said. Some of us chuckle at her joke. "Hey can we see your schedules?" (Y/n) asked. Arthur nodded and handed her his. As she read through it she was humming to herself. "Wow. You have all the same classes as us." (Y/n) said. We all smiled, except for lovino, knowing we get to see the awesome girls all day for the rest of the school year. "August can you check the time?" (Y/n) asked her twin. August pulled out her phone which the case read 'I don't hate you. I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence.' "6 minutes. Mrs. Swanson." She said.

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