Twin Telepathy--Chapter 3

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**(y/n)'s POV**

      Mrs. Swanson is our third period and she teaches History. "What a class is that~ve?" Feliciano. (During the walk they introduced themselves.) "that would be history." I answered. "Right now we are going over World War II." They looked at each other. Now that I think about it, they are from different parts of the world and are a big group of friends. The brothers, Gilbert and Ludwig are like Prussia and Germany, who are brothers. Could they be countries too!? Oh no! I don't want to lose August. Calm down (y/n). "Let's head to history." I said and walked off with the others following. August caught up to me. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She whispered to me. "If your thinking that they are countries then yes. If not then stop thinking what's for lunch." I whispered to her. "Vhat are ve vhispering about?" Someone says. I turn to see Gilbert standing by me trying to listen in on our conversations. "Stuff." I answer. "Vhat stuff?" He asks. "Twin stuff." I retort. "You dudettes are Twins?!" Alfred says shocked. I face palm. "No, we are friends that look exactly alike. Of course we're twins!" August starts off sarcastic. Alfred blushed in embarrassment. "Ok....well let's get a move on." I said and started walking to class again with everyone following us. We finally reached class but we were a little late. "(Y/n), what is the reason you are late?" Mrs. Swanson asked pointedly at me, she's used to August being late. "Sorry mrs. Swanson. August and I were showing the new students around the school." I said as I took my seat with August right next to me. That's when the teacher finally saw the large amount of boys in the doorway, which I don't know how she didn't see them in the first place. "Oh hello boys. Go ahead and introduce yourself to the class." The boys nodded. "I'm Alfred and I'm the Hero." Alfred said excitedly. "Hello I am Ludwig." (I'm not going to do accents all the time it's too much work) "I am the Awesome Gilbert." "I am Ivan" "hi. I am feliciano. You can call me Feli. And this is my brother Lovino. You can call him Lovi.~ve" "no you can't" Lovino protested. "Hello I am Arthur." "Ohohohohohoho I am Francis." "Hello I'm Kiku." "I am Yao." "I'm Matthew." Matthew said his name quietly and barely audible. "Thank you boys and you may take your seats." The teacher said. "You can take a seat behind the Twins." She says. August and I sit in the second to last row and there happens to be 11 seats in the last row. As the boys moved to the back most of the girls, not me and my twin, stared at them. You could see the anime hearts around their heads. "Typical." I mutter. "Dear lord save us." August mutters to me. I lightly chuckle. (I didn't include Antonio. Sorry I'm not very familiar with him.)

**Time Skip**

      After class it was time for lunch. August and I were walking to lunch with all the guys by us. "Oh I-a almost forgot. Thank you for-a helping me earlier." Feli says. "Your Welcome."we say at the same time. The boys look at us strangely. "What?" We ask at the same time. We were both thinking the same thing. Freak them out. "How are you dudettes doing that?" Alfred asked. We both tilted our heads to the right. "Doing what?" (Forgot to mention that they are sitting at a lunch table in the cafeteria.) "idiot ragazzas stop speaking at the same time!" Lovino says. "Nah. Don't feel like it." We say. Lovino groans. We just laugh. "Ok we're done." I say.  "So what is the school like?" Germany asked us. "It's a pretty nice school. A couple bullies here and there. There's a beautiful garden in the back of the school." I answer. "Probably not as beautiful as you." Francis says in a flirty manner to August. She wasn't affected by this but still slapped him. "What was that for?!" August simply just shrugs. "By the way Feli what made Derek start insulting you?" I ask him. "I don't-a know. I was-a just wandering around then-a he started making fun of my cowlick." As we're sitting at the table I could feel the other girls glaring holes into my back. I shift in my seat a little uncomfortable. "You feel it too?" August mumbles too me so it's only audible to me. I slightly nod my head. "What is with you and whispering." Gilbert said. I simply just shrug. I then feel a new presence beside me. I look up to see Tori placing her food on the table. "Hey new kids, I'm Tori." She said.Tori is more of a pastel goth/emo but she is also really perky. I smiled at seeing my friend. "Hey Tori, this is Alfred, Gilbert, Ludwig, Francis, Arthur, Kiku, Yao, Ivan, Feliciano, Lovino and Matthew." I said. Tori knew we were countries and thought the same thing as us; they might be countries. She sent us a look of pity. "Dudette, what's the look for?" Alfred said to Tori. "Oh um, August has a problem with a large amount of people." Tori said. August's head snapped up to face her. "Hey!" "What it's true." Tori defended. August looked back down at her food and started grumbling to herself. I let out a light chuckle.

**August's POV**

    "Well sorry if people are stupid." I grumble to myself.(Y/n) let out a light chuckle and Tori rolled her eyes. "So tell us about yourselfs." Tori suggests. (Y/n) and I groan. (Y/n) is a little bit more social than I am but not a lot. It's already enough that we are talking to them and showed them around. "Oh shut up." Tori tells us. "How about we start out with Alfred." Tori says. "Well I love hamburgers and I'm the Hero!" He says. (Y/n) and I share a look. "What about you Arthur?" Tori continues. "Well I love tea, I like magic." (Y/n) and I look at eachother again. "Gilbert?" "I am the Awesome Gilbert, I have a bird named Gilbird, and I am the big brother of Ludwig." He says. (Y/n) and I share a look for the third time. "Ok, will you guys stop with your twin telepathy?" Tori says. "Don't you remember what I have said." She continues. Everyone looks at us. "That it's freaky and that we should stop." We say in union. Tori's eye twitches. "Then why are you doing it now?" "Because it's freaky and we like to freak you out." We say. Tori throws her hands in the air. "Why am I even friends with you guys?" She said frustrated. "Because you love us and we're awesome." We say. She slams her head on the cafeteria table. "That's my line." Gilbert whines. "And it's ours now." We say. Gilbert pouts and Tori groans, "Ok Tori get up, are you ok, or do you need to go the Nurse's office again?" (Y/n) asks her. Tori lifts her head and puts her hand to her forehead. "I think I'm fine." She says. "Oh no guys, she was thinking. Run!." (Y/n) says and gets up and throws her trash away. Tori rolls her eyes and we all chuckle. Then the bell rings. Tori gets up and waves goodbye as she walks to her class. "Yo dudettes, what's our next class?" Alfred asks. "Gym." I reply. We walk to the gym and change to our clothes. "Alright, Today we will be playing Base Dodge ball. Grab a partner, and the whole gym is to your disposal." He said. I partnered up with (y/n). We both wore shirts with wolves on them because that is what Treecano is known for. It's also known for its strength and war planning. As it was getting closer to the end of the game, the only team left were ours, Gilbert and Ludwig, Yao and Kiku, and Ivan (he was on his own team). Ivan was using a pipe to block the dodge balls coming near him. When he was blocking a ball coming near him, I threw a ball at his back, but he turned and blocked it. I had a ball and so did he. "(Y/N)!" I call. She threw three balls at him and got him out. We high fived. Then Yao and Kiku came up to us and were positioned to throw the balls at us. We stood side by side with our dodge balls in our hands. They threw the balls, but we blocked them with ours. Their balls rolled away from us and before they could grab more, we threw ours and hit them. That just left Gilbert, Ludwig, (y/n) and I. Then the bell rang before anyone could win. (Y/n) and I changed our clothes and left the gym. Alfred caught up to us. "Dudettes, you did really good." He said. "Thanks." (Y/n) said. Then the rest of the guys approached. "How did you-a last so long?" Lovino asked. We shrugged. "We were taught by our parents to be strong. We were trained now we can play pretty much any sport." I said. They were all sort of surprised. "But ve vould still have take you out." Gilbert says. "Yeah, doubt that." I reply. Gilbert huffed.

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