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The area I ran into was quite a scene. There were broken machines everywhere and anywhere in sight. In the midst of this was her. She stood on a platform with wiring connected to a ceiling above her that came from her back. Her hair white with black ends and a devious grin on her face. Standing beside her was someone who looked pretty odd.
He stood about the same height as her and wore simple clothes. Jeans, blue shirt, sneakers. His hair was brown, but his eyes were pure white. He seemed cold, but somehow familiar. I dont know who he is, but he reminds me of a good friend I know.
She spook with her cold voice, "Well what's this..?"
The man turned around and started walking away, "None of my concern, I need to continue my plan."
She nodded, "Dont break anything. Especially my robots, there quite tedious to put back together..."
I felt myself trembling a small bit. I looked at her. She was the antagonist to this story, right? She was the one I had to fight in order to save the day? Isn't this how the game works.
Ot isn't that Wheatly? Then again things are sorta done with him and I never fought her in the first game or what ever. Either way I need to do something, "So um... GLaDos...huh?"
Suddenly im picked up by some sort of claw. I struggle and struggle, but that leads to no avail. She smirks and says a few simple words to me, "Lets have some fun..."
Next thing I know I am falling down a put of despair, screaming for my life.

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