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"Mister Wheatly...where's this other test subject?" I asked starting to move forward.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me back, "Be careful! If she wakes up and sees that there's not only one, but two test subjects, things can get REALLY bad!"
I sighed pulling my hand away. I knew he was talking about GlAdos. How have I not seen her yet? I should've seen her sooner, but then again she only appears at the end of the first game and sometime after I meet Wheatly. I really should get going before he ends up taking me to her inevitably.
"Well we really should find the other test subject...what if they woke her up?"
His eyes widen and he nods, pulling me by the arm. I bite my lip cause he has a hard ass grip that feels like he's trying to break my arm. At least he isn't trying to kill me though. I wonder what his plan is. Maybe I should've listened... Oh well.
We ran through completed tests and I was a little curios at who this other subject was. Did someone else get pulled in here too? Or maybe its that weird guy from earlier.
If you're gonna insult me maybe you should do it to my face.
I jumped and Wheatly ended up falling forward. He sadly pulled me down with him. We both groaned and I realized now would be the perfect time to escape. I elbow him in the face before quickly getting up and running off. I hope that knocked him out or at least kept him down longer. I didn't stop running until I ran right into a giant scrapyard where there was quite a scene with the words, "Well what's this..."

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