Chapter 7: Me Part 1

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I horrified. Mix emotions was going on inside of me. I don't know what to do. I stood still and froze like a statue.

"Actually," I came right back to my senses. "This is rightfully owned by my Father, which means that I own this now."

Mr. Stone laughed. "Yeah, but as his partner in crime, I still have the right to work on that." He pointed at the blueprint, which I was holding in my left hand.

I started to sweat and breathe heavily, who knows what he can do and part of what he said was right in terms of being evil.

"I'm still his representative." I replied "Which means that I have the right to work on this and continue the project he was doing." I was confused on what to do and what to say right now. "And as his representative, you are now not authorize to partake in this project."  

"Not Authorize?" He smirked. "You should be the one who is not supposed to be authorize!." His anger was showing off. "We worked on this project for years, who do you think is the one who put blood and stress on this?!" He was right, Dad and him worked on this project for years. 


I once saw Dad on the kitchen table working on something but I didn't understand because I was a child back then. 

"Dad" I called.

"Oh, what is it sweetie? You can't sleep?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Come on." He carried me up to my room again and tucked me in my bed. He caressed my hair and kissed my forehead. He was there until I fell asleep. After that, he worked again. He had sleepless nights because of this.


"But dad was working this for the greater good." I said. "And you, you just wanted this for yourself."

"Like I said." He said. "To change the world." He suddenly shot a beam at me which I luckily saw and dodged but I was cornered. His hand was glowing ready to shoot and I did the same, my hand was ready to shoot at him. 

"Only one of us can work on this." He said while he was circling me around form a distance.

"That will be me." I replied while doing the same thing. Each of us began to shoot but each of us also dodged it. The room was a great big mess. You won't see white tiles anymore but explosions and black tiles.

I ran to him and did what I learned from SHIELD, Martial Arts. I jabbed him on the right and did a hook on the left, he dodged both. Damn it. He kicked me in the stomach and threw me out of the window.

"Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. "Come on, work, work." I was trying to make my hand glow and so I can fly. Finally, it did. I stared at Mr. Stone and he looked at me dumbfounded.  I flew back to the building and stood in front of Mr.Stone.

"How?" He looked at me confused. "It's called training." I replied. Our fight continued.


Thanks for reading!!! Sorry it was so short. Last 3 chapters to go.....

- Bea

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