Epolouge (Please read Authors Note at the end)

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Bree's POV*

"Jason!" I chased after the squealing boy. "Give it back!"

"Neverrrrrr!" He yelled back at me.

"Kids!'' Mom called to me and my brother.

Jason made a U turn for the kitchen, me behind him.

We stopped in the kitchen where my mom was sitting, Axel beside her. We all had close relationships with our parents.

Axel sat on the counter, his black hair looking exactly like our fathers, him wearing a plain red T-shirt and black jeans.

"What are you two doing?" She sighed, setting down the papers in her hands and smoothing out her jeans. Our mom was very pretty, she had long blond hair, which is where I got mine and sparkling blue eyes, where Axel got his, today she wore a turquoise flowy tank top and dark blue jeans her hair was in a ponytail with her bunny headband, which matches the hat I wear. She'd gotten it for me when I was five.

I'd pretty much always dressed like another version of my mom, I always wore balck shirts with jeans and a black bunny hat, always carrying a bright blue backpack. My hair came down about half way to my stomach but it was usually in my hat.

"Jason took my phone again!" I exclaimed.

"She being mean!" The five year old squeaked back, glaring at me. Jason had brown hair and brown/red eyes. He took more after our father.

Dad flew in, bass in hand. Dad was still in one of the coolest bands in all of Aaa, they were called 'The Dying Roses' everyone knew who they were.

"Oh Glob, they're fighting again.'' He sighed. Dad wore his usual jeans and red plaid, he had a bit of stubble on his chin. "I'm out!" He yelled.

"Oh no you're not!" Mom called after him, flying over quickly and grabbing him by his collar. "You're taking care of this one Mr. Abadear!" She stated. It was funny watching my parents bicker when they did, it was never a huge fight. They still acted as if they were my age, young and in love.

"Fine." He sighed. "Kids, I'm freaking exsaughtsted. Stop fighting. Seriously what is this, your fifth fight today? Calm your little butts down!"

I laughed. "Okay." I snatched my phone away from Jason and patted his head. "I'll be the best sister ever!"

"Like you could do that..." He rolled his eyes as I shot him a glare.

Mom sighed, "What will I ever do with you two? Bree, you don't even fight with Axel like that!"

"Because he doesn't take my stuff!"

It was dad's turn to sigh. "How about this, no more fighting for a week, not even an argument and I'll give you both ten bucks each."

"Yes!" Me and Jason both said at the same time, mom laughing.

"Wow, we have to bribe our kids into getting along, fun." She chuckled again, picking the papers back up and reading over them, Axel continuing the conversation he had started with our mother as dad drank some coffee.

The doorbell sounded with a Ding "I've got it!" I said as I walked to the door. I opened it to my cousins, Damion, Jack and Anna. All looked almost exactly like us, probably because our parents all looked exactly alike.

"Hey! Is Axel here?" Damion asked.

I nodded and stepped aside letting the two boys in, I grabbed my blue backpack and headed out with Anna, tonight we're going adventuring. My father always tells me how much I'm like my mother, the hat, the clothes the adventures and more. I've always been secretly proud of those things.

"Where to?'' I looked at Anna. Anna had both her mom and dad in her (My aunt Marceline and Uncle Finn) Although she dressed more like her mom acted more like her dad. She wore a black tank top light jeans and black boots. Her brown hair fell just below her butt and her bangs lightly sagging below her eyebrows.

"There is one place I've never been, my parents told me to stay away but I wanna see it." Her eyes sparkled with excitement. "The Candy Kingdom. They told me the old crazy ruler still lives there and has a child with his psycho wife and their house is just outside the castle."

"I've heard of that too! My mom told me about it but said she didn't want me in there because of this guy named... I think it was Gumball." I sighed. "I don't know if we should... What would our parents say?"

"You're being a goodie two shoes now?"


"Then let's go" she gestured to huge gates that were piled with candy.

"I could get used to this place, it seems magical..." I looked around at the candy houses and trees, there were a few candy people. It was wonderful.

"Too bad magic isn't real." Said a voice that definitely wasn't Anna. I turned towards where the voice came from and there stood a boy about our she with a blueish tinted skin and light pink hair. He was actually pretty cute. "Hello" he stepped forward and put his hand out. "I'm Benny, but you can call me Ben."

I shook his hand. "Bree."

He kissed the back of my hand causing me to blush. "Pleased to meet you."

A.N (please read)

Hey, this is the End of my Fiolee story, I love a vampire but I will be making a new story for their kids, it'll be out soon and it'll be titled Fiolee Kids. I'm sorry I'm ending this story because I actually liked it. Thanks for reading.

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