Welcoming babies

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Fionna's POV*

Marshall flew me to the hospital as quick as possible. I of course was groaning in poison the whole way. Marshall was clearly freaking out, who wouldn't? I woke him up at 3:00 in the morning with my screaming, then told him top get me to the hospital. Fucking babies came early! I'm not prepared. I'm not ready. Wait... I'm not even ready to be a parent what an I doing? This is all happening! Nothing can stop it, I'm screwed.

Before my mind could trail off more Marshall landed and knocked on the office for quickly.

"What?!" Gumball answered, clearly annoyed.

Marshall simply lifted me up as I groaned in pain again. This is hell.

"Oh God! She's not due for another month!" He yelled. "Quick! This way!" I closed my eyes from the pain so I had no idea where we were going. I was put on a soft surface, most likely a bed, and I heard worried voices all around.

Marshall's POV*

"Marshall, we have to ask you to leave the room." Gumball looked at me with a face I couldn't exactly read.

"She's my fiance and those are my kids, let me in."

"And if I don't?"

I bared my teeth at him before he stepped aside. Pansy.

I walked inside to see the doctors and nurses telling her to push. I walked over and took her hands so she could squeeze the fire the pain.

That's when they wheeled in Marceline. Fuck. Two screaming ladies giving birth to a few crying babies each. Great.

Finn quickly grabbed Marcelines hand as she screamed.

*a few hours of pain and screaming later*

Back to Fionna's POV* (I'm not good at a guys POV so I usually have it as Fionna)

"Here's your boy." Dr. Prince wheeled in the black haired boy. "And your girl." Gumball then wheeled in the blond girl. (Why they already have hair, I don't know. I went question it if you don't) Gumball left abruptly. Not daring to look at me.

Marshall flew back in, he'd left after they'd taken the backs to get them cleaned and I went to sleep. "Fionna! Are you okay?" He quickly flew to my side.

I didn't say a word and just smiles at the sleeping babies that were laying comfortably in their little bins. They seemed perfect. A gorgeous blond girl and a beautiful black haired boy. Bree opened her eyes, not crying and looked at me. She may have gotten my hair but the eyes were all Marshall. A deep red. Slowly Axel opened his eyes and peeked at us. He had wonderful ocean blue eyes. They were perfect. Neither cried. Just looked. They'd been fed earlier so now they were just awake to see things.

"They're beautiful."

I got up, still slightly sore, but bearable and picked up Bree. Marshall scooped up Axel. We headed into the next room where Finn and Marceline were. They had blond and black haired boys. The blond one has blue eyes and the black haired one had red eyes. In Marcy's and was a brown haired girl with black eyes. All the kids were beautiful. When they noticed is they smiled warmly.

"Hi, we have three we'd like to introduce you to. This is Jack." He picked up the baby with black hair. "This is Damion" he picked up the blond baby with his other arm. He set them.back down and picked up the girl. "And finally, Anna." The baby cooed and we all let out a matched toned 'awwwwww!'.


*Time skip to four months later* (don't you just love time skips?)

"Marsh!" I called down the hall. He came out of the room in his usual plaid and jeans. His wardrobe hadn't changed, mine did slightly. I now wore capris and a light blue shirt. Don't judge, skirts got old.


"Cake Is here!" I whispered loudly in an urgent voice. Cake frequently came to visit and every time she did she'd either judge us or make something.

"I'm not here!" He flew quickly into the bathroom and locked it.

"You little-" the door bell rang to cut me off, at the sound of it both babies started crying. Quickly I picked up both babies and flew to the door while trying to calm them. "Ssshhh sh sh...." the door swung open.

"Fionna!" Cake cried. "I came to get you ready!"

"For what?" I asked putting the now calm babies in their bassinets.

"Your wedding. After you had the babies you said you'd get married in a few months. It's been four." She smiled.

Marshall came floating down the stairs. "We should've gotten married before the twins were born." He yawned. "Because now, I don't know what to do with them when we have the ceremony." He floated into the kitchen to get an apple.

"Did you want to see a fat woman in a dress? I sure as hell didn't" I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"Fionna!" Cake slapped my arm. "Language!"

I sighed and went into the kitchen too. "We have to get married don't we?" I sighed again. "But when...."

"Now." Marshall looked up at me, dead serious.

"What? Are you-"

"Why not? No time would be better. The babies are calm, Cake's here to get you ready, you have a dress and I have a tux. Why not?"

"Let's do it."



Yay! They're getting married!

Sorry about the time skip, I really just hate going through all of that, the crying, the feeding, the pooping. There was no fun I could slip in there, it was all boring. Thanks for reading and the next chapter will be out soon!

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