You're that boy

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“Yoochun.” Kahi in shock. 

“I finally found you.” Yoochun say. “Can we talk privately?” he ask. 

Kahi hesitate a little before walking with him to the nearby park at Han River.

“How long have you been with him?” Yoochun ask as they walk along the river. 

“Almost two months now.” Kahi answer him. 

Yoochun stop and turn to look at him. “You choose him over me, who had known you for a year.” He say. 

“You can’t compare love with times.” Kahi say. 

“Why did he do to make you fall in love with him?” Yoochun ask impatiently. “What did he do that I didn’t do?” 

“He didn’t do anything.” Kahi say. 

“I have money and a better future than him, he does nothing for you, he can bring you anything. I did a lot things for you and you still choose him over me.” Yoochun say in rage. 

“That’s probably the reason why I love him.” Kahi say. 

“Kahi, remember I have money that can support you family business.” Yoochun say. “I can love you as much as he can.”

“You and him are two different people.” Say Kahi. “I have already set up my mind.”

Yoochun grab her arm and glare at her, “I recommend you think about it clearly, if you break our marriage than you kiss my support goodbye.” He say coldly. “I love you and I expect you to do the same thing for me. You’re parent will be home tomorrow and they will not want to here about this.”

Kahi swing her arm away from him, “Don’t worry, you will definitely see me tomorrow at my parent house.” She say before she walk away.

Yoochun angrily watch Kahi leaves, she walks away upset and angry at his words. She couldn’t believe her mom set her up with a guy like him. She thank god that she is not married to him yet. The day became night; Kahi went to Nichkhun work place and waited for him by the bar. Nichkhun get ready to leave work, after Kahi finish her drink. They walk out of the restaurant in hands into the city. They eat along the streets, and play with the statue on the streets. Kahi feel dizzy and want to vomit, she ran to the nearest trash. She vomit but nothing came out, she only had a feeling of vomit. Nichkhun ran up to her and pat her back lightly. 

“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Nichkhun ask. “How about I go get you something to eat?” 

“No don’t.” Kahi say as she grab him back. “I don’t feel like eating.” 

“How about something to drink then?” Nichkhun ask. 

“No, I just need to rest a little.” Kahi say. 

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