Field Day

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The next morning at university, it was field day. Every student had to participate, some professor were the core and record keepers while the rest help at the food stand. Students were around the field, playing and challenging each other. Nichkhun is the only one doing nothing except watching other from the track benches. A girl see him and sitting alone, she walk up to him. 

“Hi there.” She say friendly. 

Nichkhun look up at her and then back at the field. 

Victoria just sit next to him. “I heard a lot about you.” She say. “But for some reason, I didn’t feel like whatever they say is true.” 

Nichkhun didn’t say anything. 

“So I’m Victoria by the way.” Victoria say in a friendly way  with her hand out. 

Nichkhun ignore her. 

“I heard people call you Nichkhun, right?” Victoria ask. 

Nichkhun shake his head. 

“that’s the first answer I get from you.” Victoria say happily.

“So how come you don’t join any sport?” Victoria ask. Nichkhun continue to act cold. “It’s fun.” She say. 

“I don’t feel like it.” Nichkhun say coldly. 

Victoria were surprise by his voice. 

“Wow you talk.” Victoria say surprisingly. “It’s fun, you should play some kind of sport. Or  you show me around. I’m new here.” Say Victoria. 

“You can ask somebody else.” Say Nichkhun coldly. 

“You’re the first one I knew and talk too beside the girls.” Say Victoria. “I don’t why but I feel so relief next to you.”

“Sorry, I can’t guide you around today.” Say Nichkhun. 

He stand up and walk away, Victoria confusedly watch him walk away. He walk around the place a little, he stop in front of the soccer field and watches the boy play soccer. Kahi from the Food Stand, sees Nichkhun standing in front of the soccer field, zoning off, she smiles before she went back to work. Nichkhun head to the food stand, and stop in front of the booth. 

“If you like soccer, why don’t you go play with them?” Kahi say as she smiles sweetly. 

Nichkhun surprising look up and sees her. 

“I’ll be working here today.” Say Kahi. “If you really like it, go gave it a try.”

Nichkhun ignore her, he grab a bottle of Pepsi and put the money on the table before he walk away to one of the table. 

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