Ciel wiped your eyes and said "now let's go back Sebastian will have lunch ready soon" you nodded and thought 'I really wanted you to be proud of me and do it perfect'


You were helping Sebastian with something you were carrying some washing for him mey rin saw you and said "are you ok (name)?" you looked up and said "yes mey rin" mey rin said "you seem distracted" you said "I'm ok really I need to go and get these to my dad" you left once away you said "what can I get dad? I know demons don't do human holidays but I want to its father's day soon, as in this Sunday" you found sebastian and gave him the washing he said "thank you (name)" you said "is there anything else I can help with?" sebastian said "no" sebastian checked the time and said "it is almost time for your lessons" you said "which ones?" sebastian said "demon lessons go outside in the garden and wait for me, finny should have finished out there" you nodded

Once in the gardens you sat down with some cats soon you sensed sebastian coming and went to him, you had fighting practice you still didn't have a weapon to use so it was hand to hand sebastian said "(name) focus!" you nodded and managed to dodge his attacks after an hour the lesson was over, sebastian said "well done kitten" you said "but I can't attack you" sebastian said "yes you can don't worry, don't hesitate next time I expect you to attack me or at least try, how can you expect to protect the master or yourself in a fight" you nodded

After you saw Sebastian go to some cats that was when you realised and said "that's it! I know what to get him, but Ciel's allergy" after you went in as you did ciel called you over you went over and said "did you want me?" ciel said "yes I need to into London, and you are to come with me" you said "wouldn't it be better to get my dad to go with you?" ciel said "no Sebastian needs to stay here we leave tomorrow morning it's only a shopping trip" you said "ok"

The next day sebastian said "(name) stay by the master and protect him if need be" you said "yes father" as you were in the carriage you said "why did you ask me to come to London with you?" ciel said "I need to pick something up and I know you want to get sebastian a father's day gift" you said "but" ciel said "its fine I'm sure sebastian has given you some money" you said "yes" ciel said "ok once we get what I need, well look for sebastian" you said "oh you don't need to really" ciel said "its fine (name)" after going around London and picking up what ciel needs soon you started your gift hunt, you passed a pet shop and looked in the window you saw a little black and white kitten you smiled ciel said "no" you said "I know your allergies, I was just thinking it's cute"

Soon you found a shop and went in you looked around and found the perfect gift you checked how much you had you said "good just enough" you paid for the gift and went with ciel, he said "find something?" you said "yes, do you need to get anything else?" ciel said "no lets return I'm sure Sebastian has tea waiting for me when I return"

Once you got back you went straight to your room Sebastian said "is (name) alright master?" ciel said "yes she's fine" once there you wrapped the present as you finished you heard a knock, you said "one sec dad" you hid the gift under your pillow and opened the door Sebastian said "is everything alright (name)? you went to your room rather quickly" you nodded and said "everything's fine" Sebastian said "good, and I take it there was no incidents in London" you said "no but if you had of come there would of" Sebastian said "and what is that supposed to mean?" you said "we passed a pet shop and it had kittens in the window, I know how you are for cats its lucky ciel doesn't know about the ones in your wardrobe" Sebastian nodded

On Sunday you looked for sebastian he was busy with his duties as you left you bumped into mey rin you said "sorry" mey rin helped you up and said "(name), I thought you would have spent the day with sebastian?" you said "he's busy and I know he can't take time off just for me" mey rin said "did you get him something?" you nodded and said "it's in my room I'll see you" you went to your room and held the present and looked at it while you sat on your bed, and said "how do I give it to him? I mean he's busy all day with cooking, his duties and helping ciel" soon you heard a knock and hid the present behind your back and said "it's open" Sebastian opened the door and walked over to you

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