16 - Little things he does that turn you on

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A/N I can't believe I'm writing this....


Jack - 

He runs his hands through his hair. In public he'll do this and it drives you mad.

Davey -

When he reads aloud, it's a total turn on. Sometimes when you guys read, he'll read aloud, but you guys won't make it to the next chapter before you start doing....things...

Racetrack -

His gambling face is the hottest thing you've seen. He'll get really into it and kinda forget about everything around him just focus on getting the prize.

Spot -

When he practices shooting his slingshot and shoots his target, he'll smirk and look over to you and bite his lip. He calls you his 'Lucky Charm' and he says he can't miss when your next to him.

Crutchie -

When he has a clever comeback. I know it sounds strange but Crutchie is usually the one who has some stupid comeback, so when he comes up with a clever one, you can't help but feel a slight tingle.

Mush -

When he dances. Mush gets super sweaty when he dances and his muscles flex in a sort of way that make you speechless.

Blink -

When he's selling newspapers. Blink is one of the loudest newsies there is so when he's selling, you have some thoughts from the night before....

Skittery -

When he's in an argument with someone. You like how he pulls his hair in frustration and bites his lip when he's loosing said argument.


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