Chapter 70: Explanations

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Kaito patiently gathered all the present males to accommodate in the living room. As Jin and Alex sat on each end of the room, glaring daggers at one another, Kaito waited for everyone to be present in order to declaim to them.

"What's all this about? Did something serious happen while we were gone?" Bako fell onto the couch and shot the awaiting boy an inquiring gaze.

"I simply wish to discuss something with all of you." The intellectual watched as each male settled down before beginning to speak in a serious and authoritarian tone. "I would like to discuss all your behaviours as of the past few days. I am very aware that each one of you had given (Y/n) a lot of stress for a while now, and I want to stress some concerns and persuasions with all of you." The listening audience exchanged a few unsure glances before immediately focusing back on the speaker. "You all know what you've done to the girl, and are aware that it causes her a lot of grief and paranoia to be around you."

The males' suspicions began edging their way into consciousness along with the pursuing guilt that followed the reminder of their actions.

"I've been under difficult consideration over my choice and I've kept my options open, but from what I've deducted and contemplated over, I believe I've come to a decision. From what I've seen, (Y/n) fears even the smallest encounters from every one of you." As the male's explanation progressed, his tone began to sweeten as though to slightly orchestrate the impact of his news, yet still maintaining an undertone of mockery at his won game. "And I honestly don't want to come to this resolution but I'm simply doing this for (Y/n)'s own good. You all want (Y/n) to feel safe and happy amongst her surroundings, right?" All the boys eagerly nodded at this. "You want her to stop avoiding you all, right?" Another round of agreeable motions were made. "You want her old, positive attitude back, right?"

A few of the boys gave him untrusting looks and scowls, "Where are you going with this?" Alex gave him a darkened expression before being returned with a scolding glare.

Kaito sighed out and put on a facade of saddened features. "I don't want to break this distressful news to you all, but I guess it cannot be helped." The boy straightened his appearance and looked to all of them with a fully serious tone. "I want to keep you all away from the girl."

"The f**k you will!" Bako jumped from his position, ready to throw the boy to the wall.

"Bako, settle down. I'll explain further if I have to." Kaito unflinchingly glowered at the raging male. Bako prepared to abrasively snap back at the male, before feeling a hand tugging him down to sit. Ryo disapprovingly shook his head, despite having his own distaste towards the sudden claim, and forced the angered boy to aggravatingly sit back down. "Since I can see this decision growing quite unpopular with the rest of you, I'm going to try and explain. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, but the girl can't stand being around any of you." There were grunts and growls of insult and anger being heard from around the room. "Don't make those damn noises, I should be the one responding like that. From what I've heard you all doing to her, I don't see what other choice there could be."

"What have you done to (Y/n)?" Alex glared at each one of them individually, watching their guilty and shamed expressions, raising his unstable temper.

"Settle down. I'm not mentioning what anyone has done here, but you all know how much at fault you are at. And (Y/n) knows the most. If you haven't noticed, there is a reason why she's been avoiding you all, and rightly so. She doesn't want a repeat of what each of you have done, and can't find any place she considers safe. That's why I want you all to keep your distance from her until she begins to feel guarded around you."

"And what role are you going to play? You seem to be the saint in all this." Bako tenaciously pointed out as his muscles flex and relax in preparation to strangle the boy for the rules he was placing.

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