Last Chapter 8

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I spend one week to recover, Thanks to Ryosuke who make it worse in the last moment, it was our first fight and I hope it will be the last.

Lately, I can see that he doesn't go out with his friends, and always turn them down when they invite him, specially when he is with me, like now, we are watching TV while I am laying on his lap and his friend Arioka-san called him.

"I'm Telling You I Don't Want To Go!". I turn to look at him when he raised his voice.

"Dai-chan listen to me, I HATE that place, I will NEVER go there anymore.......Yes I know and I don't want that anymore......DAI-CHAN I AM MARRIED!!!! GET LOST!!!". He shout before he hung up and sighed.

"What's with that?!". I ask him and he shake his head.

"Nothing much, sorry". I sit and look at him.

"Ryosuke, I don't mind if you go out with your friends and you know that". I said and he look at me.

"Ok, and I will go to a Gay Bar with them, do you want that?!". I widened my eyes and shake my head madly.

"Then I will turn them down and stay with you, I have you and I don't need to go there anymore". He hold my chin and get closer but I stop him.



"I was a mixed bar! Women and men!". I asked frowning when I realize something.

"Well sorry, it's gay bar, the voice you heard wasn't a woman voice, it was a guy who act like a woman". I frowned more and slap his hand away from me.

"ARE YOU A GAY?!!!". I shout and he sighed.

"RYOSUKE!!". I shout again and he just turn to look away.

"I May Be~". He said and I widened my eyes shockly.

"YOU HENTAI!! FIRST GIRLS AND NOW GAYS?!! I HATE YOU!!!". I shout and take the pillow and throw it on him, he start laughing.


I shout at him and take another pillow to hit him but he hold my hands and push me on the sofa and get on top of me.

"GET OFF OF ME!!" I shout and struggle to get free from him.

"I was kidding Honey! No One Can Joke With You?!". He said and I pouted angrily.

"This Is Not A Topic To Joke With Baka!!". I said and he hug me, I can't move since all his weight on me.

"Sorry~ I just wanted to play with you, moreover, I Love you, is that consider as a gay?! Baka~ I only do it with girls". He said as he start to lick my neck and I pouted.

"Stop that, I am not in the mood". I said firmly and he look at me with a frown.

"What?! Are you mad?!". I push him away and walk to the kitchen.


He whined but I ignore him, I take a glass of water and drink it, then I turn to look at him, he was pouting cutely with his puppy eyes, seriously are you a kid?! I walk to the room and close the door, I didn't mean to make him sad, I am just tired today, I wake up in the morning and take care of the house, he go to his work at 6 so I have to wake up at 5 to prepare the breakfast for him, and he return at 1 so I have to prepare the lunch, and you know how is the work for the wife when she is alone.

"Honey?!". He open the door and I was already in my pajama and laying on the bed.

"Yes?!". I answered sleepy.

"Are you really mad?!". He ask me and I shake my head.

"No, I'm just tired and sleepy".

I said and close my eyes, he didn't say anything, he get out for a few minutes then return, he enter the bathroom and get out with his pajama too, I couldn't fight my sleepiness so I just close my eyes, I can feel him laying next to me and hug me, I hug him like a pillow and rest my head on his chest and sighed.

"Oyasumi Honey~". He kiss my forehead and I smile.

"Oyasumi~". I said sleepily and draft to sleep.

It was so peaceful, having my husband next to me hugging me to sleep is so nice, I feel protective. In all this week Ryosuke was next to me, even him himself realize the changes, that he don't like to go outside with his friends when it come to girls, I don't know....Should I say Gays?! Whatever, he say it's not necessary, he want to spend time with me more and care about me more, and Ah! He become straight when he want to do it, you remember how shy he was?! Now he just say........

"Let's do it".

I blinked my eyes when I wake up in the morning, I found him on top of me already without clothes, What The!!

"W-What?! Ryosuke I am still tired". I said as I turn to look away but he hold my cheeks and turn my head.

"I Want You". He said again seriously and make me blush.

"R-Ryosuke it's Too Early For This!".

I look at the time and it was 7am, Maybe because we slept early yesterday now he is in his full energy.

"So What?! It's a good time for it?! We don't have to do it at night!". He said and I shake my head.

"E-Even So! Is Not Comfortable!!". He pouted and get away from me and sit on the edge.

"Ok then, let me having my fantasy world and and do it alone, you want me to do it with someone else?!". He turn at me with a smirk, This Little Evil!!!

"RYOSUKE!!". I shout and throw the pillow on him.

"What~ I'm just saying~". He hold the pillow and hug it.

"Don't Say That Again!! You Ruin My Mood in the Morning!!". I shout and he laugh at me, he really pisses me off!.

"Then...Let me make it good for you...Yuri~".

He whisper in my ear and make me shiver, he slowly push me back and get on top of me.

"I-I Still-----".

"Shhh~ I Promise that I will be gentle~".

He take off my clothes and get closer to kiss me, I just close my eyes and let him kissing me slowly before he turn it fancy, I just smile and giggle, he stop and look at me.

"What's so funny?!".

"Nothing, I'm just happy to have you in my arm like this~". I wrap my arm around his neck and he smile before he kiss me.

"I will make you even more happier than this then~".

He is really sweet husband ne?! I hope nothing will ruin our peaceful life now, Just leave us alone, I am still trying my best to be a good wife for him, and I always tell him to be a good husband for me, and he is trying his best, for trying to be good, he is really a good husband.

Ah! About that Nana, when I wanted to meet her they told me that she go abroad on a business trip so we will not see her for maybe one year or more, mou~ I wanted to beat her up for what she did! But......No, I don't care about her anymore, I am thankful for her because what she did make me and Ryosuke more closer now, and I hope we stay like this forever.


Thank You For Reading This Fic Until The End.....^____^

I Hope To See You  in Another Fic....*Chu~*

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