Chapter 1

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Two Weeks, It's been two weeks already, yet I didn't get what is he doing, he is my husband, I tried to talk to him but no used, I wanted a help but I don't dare to say it out loud, it's not easy, It's not Good! It's so sad and that's hurts me so much, and I know that he is not award about that.

I'm sitting in the living room watching TV, I looked up at the wall watch and sighed, it's 1:46 am, yet I am alone in the house, it's not that big house anyway, it's enough for me and him. I heard the door opened and closed.

"Tadaima". He said slowly and I close the TV and stand up.

"Okaeri, Do you need anything?!". I ask him and he sighed.

"No, why aren't you sleeping?!". He ask me and I look down.

"I was....Waiting for you". He get closer and kiss my forehead.

"Sorry for late, I was busy".

I nodded, he walk to our room and I sit on the sofa, I cover my mouth and take a deep breath, What was that smell?! He didn't put that perfume when he get out?!

"Honey~ Let's Sleep".

He said from the room and I shake my head to remove the bad thoughts, I enter the room and lay on the bed next to him, He face me and I look at him.

"Ne....". I said slowly.

"Yes?!". He answered with his closed eyes.

"Why are you...putting a Female perfume?!".

I asked and he look at me, It's hurts, I am waiting for the answer, He didn't answer, he just look at me, Please....Say something.

"Sorry, I was with a woman".

Here it is, the shock, I couldn't breath for a second, do he meant by Busy that he was Busy with a woman?! I didn't say anything, I just get up and leave the bed, He hold my hand and stop me.

"Wait! I'm Sorry!".

He apologize again but that makes me irritated, he is so honest and that's good, but....Please at least lie in this matter.

"Sorry, I don't want to be in the same bed with you after that woman used you".

I take my hand away and leave the room, I just lay on the living room and sighed, my heart hurt so much, why? Of course because I Love him, in this weeks he was so kind to me and he is caring type, but....This is wrong, this habit of him must change, in our first night when I take his phone to take a quick look, I saw a list of girls who sent a photos of themselves, not any photos, they were naked, and the conversation between them were all Flirty and Dirty, why am I here?! What am I doing?! What did I do wrong?! Why is he like that?! He is good but only this things, he need to change, I can't stand this, Dad......Why is he good for me?! What did you see in him makes him good for me?!

I didn't find any answer for my questions and I just close my eyes to sleep. In the next morning I wake up and blink my eyes, I saw his sleeping on the floor and I was covered by the blanket.

"Ryosuke?! Wake up, don't sleep on the floor". I shake him and he wake up.

"Ittai!". He hissed in pain while holding his arm.

"Are you ok?!". I ask him and he just smile.

"It's ok, It will be better after a while".

"Why....Did you sleep here?!". I ask him and he hold my hand.

"I didn't want you to sleep alone, and....I'm sorry, even though I was with a woman, I didn't do anything, Believe me, You are the only one in my heart".

He said softly but....It's still hurts, I take my hand away and he look at me confused.

"I still....smell the perfume, go and take a bath". I get up to the kitchen and he leave to the bathroom and take a bath.

"I have to do something".

Yes, I need to do something, I am his wife, I have the full right to do something and stop him from crossing the red line with the other girls.

"Ne Honey". He call me and I turn to look at him.

"Do you have anything for today?!". He ask me and I think about it before I shake my head.

"No, Why?!".

"We will go on a date~". He said with a wink and I just blushed, Oh wait!! I have to hold myself, but...I'm Happy now and smiling to him.



We get ready and leave the house, we went to a restaurant to have our breakfast before we go to walk in some places, I stopped in one certain shop and look at the stuff, it's so beautiful~

"Do you like this one?!". He said and I look at him.

"Un, it's so Cute". I said as I turn to look at it again.

"Let's buy it then".

"Eeh?! Really?!". I said happily and he nodded, we enter and buy it, I look at him and he smile.

"You look the same~". He said and I pouted.

"What?! No way". He laughed and I just smile.

"Really! Look, You really look like this chibi fox~ Kawaiii~". He said as he punch my cheeks playfully and it's hurts but that make me happy.


He stop and we turn to look at who was it, I stunned in my place when I saw two women walking closer to us, I couldn't say anything and just look at them taking Ryosuke's arm to hug it, mood switch off mode.

"Why did you cancel our appointment today~".

"We want to play with you more~".

I can smell the same perfume from yesterday on them, I look at Ryosuke sharply, since they come and take his arm he didn't say anything, he just smile to them.

"Sorry girls, I am with my wife today". He said as he take his arm away from them, Oh! That was nice.

"Your wife?! This one?! God Ryosuke you don't have any sense, she is so short and ugly". What?! Excuse me? And he is What?!

"Yes Yes, we are better than her, we can make you feel good~".

That's it, I'm done here, now I have to take my move or I will explode.

"Well Thank you for this".

I said before taking Ryosuke's hand and Walk away, but I stopped and turn to look at the two women, I walk to them before I slap them hardly on their cheeks and run away with Ryosuke, we return to the car and enter, it's so awkward, we can't hear anything except our breathing from the fast run.

"Honey, I'm sor----".

"Let's go home".


"I said Let's Go".

I keep cutting him and finally he stop talking and drive to our house, I get out from the car and enter the house, he hold my hand but I take it away, I enter the bathroom and lock the door.

"Honey Let Me Talk To You! I Can Explain!".

He knock the door hardly but I just ignore him, I take off my clothes and open the shower to let the cold water cool my head, I don't want to think about anything now, just shut up and let me think, how can I win you completely?! How can I make you stop doing this?! How can I let the other women and girls get away from you?! I need to think.


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