My locker was all the way at the end of the hallway which meant I had to deal with the name calling, stares, and side conversations about me the whole way there. I took a deep breath and started walking to my locker. As soon as I took my first step I heard my name being called but I didn't bother looking for the source because I know it wouldn't end well if I did.

"Hey Karla!" The voice repeated calling me by my first name. I felt my eye twitch and the grip on my book bag handles tightened as I continued walking. Not to mention that everyone else was either, starring, laughing, or whispering something to their friend. I just ignored them and took my last steps to my locker, finally. I quickly put the combination in and swung my locker door open, only to get it slammed back close. Oh my lordy Jesus not now. I turned around, already frustrated out of my mind, only to be met by the one and only Wesley Stormberg. He is the captain of the basketball and football team and a "super jock" as everyone here calls it.

"What do you want?" I said annoyed.

"Didn't you here me calling you? You just made me waste my time and precious voice for your dumbass Karla." He said with an evil smirk.

I let out an angry sigh while glaring at him. I hate being called by my first name and he knows it.

"I don't have to listen to your annoying ass." I hissed while turning back around to open my locker again only to have it slammed shut in my face again. I've had enough. 

"Can you get the fuck away from me and go somewhere!" I yelled while pushing him a a couple feet away from me. He was to close for my liking.

"Don't you dare lay your hands on me again you worthless piece of shit!" He spat. Ouch, that one hurt. Come on keep a straight face Camila don't let this dick get to you.

"You better not touch my boyfriend again you bitch!" I heard someone else say. To my right stood Jennel Garcia, head cheerleader and the biggest bitch in the school. Of course she had her uniform on which was shorter than a towel and hardly covered any skin. I rolled my eyes and laughed in her face.

"You might have slept with other girls boyfriends but you sure ain't getting mine you whore." She said loud enough for everyone to hear. I just laughed louder  only to get pushed hard onto my locker. 

"Laugh at me again and you'll get more than a push from me." She whispered angerly. Damn that hurt.

"I'm not scared of you."

"Sure." She said sarcastically. Where is the bell when you need it?


There it is. Jennel then gave me one last stare, grabbed Wesley and left. Good riddance. I opened my locker again and quickly grabbed my books and ran to my class, avoiding eye contract from anyone. 

I walked into my classroom and clasped into my seat. The teacher wasn't hear yet so I buried my head in my arms. Thank God the bell rand because I don't know how much more I could've handled. I let out a yawn and closed my eyes. I was tired and didn't feel like fighting it so I just went to sleep. Usually I dream about One Direction but it wasn't the case today.


I saw a girl standing a few feet away from me but I couldn't see her face; she had her back towards me. There was not that much light on so I couldn't see her all to clearly. I squinted to see if I knew this girl, but the body wasn't there anymore. All of a sudden I felt my body being pushed onto the wall and my hand being pinned on top of my hands. What!? How she get to me so fast? OMG I'm scared.

"Hi." She said as her eyes boored into mine. Her beautiful green eyes shining.

"Uh. He-hello..." I said starring right back at her. 

"How are you?" She asked with a faint smile appearing on her face. Really she's trying to make a conversation now?!

"I'm fi-fine." I said nervously. I was scared but not the scared were I would turn into sonic and run out scared, but the scared were you would want to stay and see what would happen next. You know what I mean?

She didn't say anything else, instead she leaned into me and started leaving little kissed on my neck. Even though I didn't know this girl I didn't have the urge to her back. Instead I bend my neck back giving her more access. Damn why does this feel so right? She found my pulse and started sucking on it, sending tingles all over my body. I couldn't help but let a moan escape my lips. I felt her smile into my neck and sharp teeth poke my neck snapping me out of the trance. I whipped my head up and saw her smiling. Then I saw her eyes I my legs went weak.

Her gorgeous emerald green eyes were now replaced with a dark red color and she hand fangs sticking out of her mouth. Huuuuuuuh?? Last time I checked only vampires have fangs and red eyes...yeah this is a dream all right. But I have to  admit she was flawless, being this close to her face made me inspect every inch of it. She was just beautiful. Period. Point. Blank.

"Please don't give up Camila."

"What? How do you know...why are-"

She cut me of by crashing her lips on mines. They felt warm/cold and so soft and sweet. She was kissing me...ME! I kissed back with as much passion as she was giving me. She let go of my hands and wrapped them around my waste, my arms instantly fell on her neck pulling her closer to me. Goose pumps popped all over my body. Why does she have this affect on me? Even though I didn't know this girl and could possibly be kissing a vampire I couldn't pull away. She licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and gladly gave it to her. Her tongue explored every inch of my mouth as I did the same to her. I felt her fangs and grazed them with my tongue causing her to moan in my mouth. I couldn't hold back the smile that spread across my lips.

She finally broke the kiss when air was starting to be a problem and leaned her forehead against mine. If it wasn't for her firm grip she had on my waist I would've collapsed on the floor because I sure as hell couldn't fell my legs. My lips felt so numb but my body felt as ease. Thank God it was dark in here because my face was burning hot.

"Don't give up." She whispered. 

Then I heard a SMACK!


My head shot up and I came face to face with my grumpy history teacher. Oops.

"Had a good dream Karla?"

"Sorry Mr. Converse I-"

"Don't fall asleep in my class and pay attention!" He yelled smacking his ruler on my desk again and walking. I heard people snickering and laughing coming from behind me. Ugh. Please let this day go by fast.

I couldn't focus at all during the whole day because of that dream. Those eyes, those lips, that smile, those fangs. Fangs, I know I'm freaked out too. Maybe it's the hormones? No it can't be I'm not on my period...Ugh! I'm so confused! But the kiss, it felt so real, the best one I've every had hands down. Well the first one I ever had...yup. My first and best kiss .The crazy part is that when I woke up my lips felt numb like I actually kissed her. Oh! and the red eyes? Someone please explain that to me! Ahh!

"Don't give up Camila."

Her her sweet, husky voice echoed in my head all morning. How did she know my name though? OMG this is going to drive me crazy. I let out a deep breathe and made my way into the cafeteria. Thank God I'm starving!


My Protector (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now