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Clashing Soul:

Ever felt overjoyed one minute, only to cast into a spiraling fall of darkness and anger? Mal Luna, Luna for short, does. A curse, cast upon her at birth, Luna was stuck with split personalities day and night. At sunrise, she is a perfect, shining, happy girl. At sunset, she becomes an evil woman of hate and greed. She is the hero and the villain of every story throughout the world. But, even in the darkest pit of her evilest times, rests a part of her that longs to be only good. Thing is, Luna isn't the only one struggling with containing and unearthly ability. The thing about Luna is, she's not one of them. She's a new species born from the joining of one good spirit, and one evil demon. Will everyone she meets learn to except Luna? Or will fear of a prophecy told of a girl of two gifts scare them into killing her? And what if it turns out there may be one other like her?


Fate and destiny. That's Sofia's gift as a goddess; the ability to control the world's balance. But with every gift, comes the test. Her's? To live multiple lives and to give each one a happy storybook ending. If she fails she is sentenced to servanty's to the gods for eternity.

Being Cupid:

Hello! My name is Cupid Valentine Heart, but you can just call me Valentine. Sorry, my name is a little cheesy. It's one of the down sides of being Cupid. Yes, I am the very famous Cupid. How? I have no idea. All I know is I was born on Valentines Day and the day I turned 13, a gift appeared upon my bed. Inside was a letter explaining that the tools were to help fill out my destiny of sharing love with the world. Don't get me wrong, being Cupid is an honor! The thing I hate is I can't use my love spells on myself. Therefor I am truly forever alone.

Or.... Am I?

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