Chapter 23: Help

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I woke up this morning and basically covered my face with makeup to try and hide all of the bruising that was put there from the night before.

I slipped out of my bed trying carefully not to wake up Luke. He had a rough night last night, and he didn't get much sleep because of all the pain he was in.

I took a shower and tried to wash off the feeling of Michael's hands on my face, but I failed miserably. All I wanted to do was huddle up in the bed and cry all day, but I needed to do something productive to get my mind off of it. I got out of the shower, put my hair in a braid and threw on a pair of Nike shorts and a sports bra with some tennis shoes. I headed to the gym to try and clear my head of the lingering thoughts in my brain.

Everything happened so fast last night and I didn't have time to emotionally process. I crept into the living room careful not to wake up anyone and sighed when I felt the humid air hit my face. The gym was about 2 miles from my tower, and I couldn't stand the distance, but I had no other choice. I didn't take my car, because it needed gas to get me to and from my classes, and I didn't have a lot of money to carry around.

I walked swiftly, because there were no officers on duty, and it was 5 in the morning. The sun had not risen fully, but it was in the process. Once I reached the gym I heard machines moving so I peeked through the door. I couldn't see anyone so I used my student card, and walked through the doors. I made my way over to the lockers so I could put my keys and water bottle away. I had this eerie feeling that I was being watched, but I shook it off. I heard more shuffling coming from the locker rooms so I took a few steps in before I felt two strong arms slam me against the wall.


The culprit's hand covered my mouth and removed his mask. Asher held my hands above my head, and whispered in my ear which sent chills down my spine.

"Shhh. Sweetheart long time no see. Have you missed me?"

He removed his hand and tightened his grip around my waist and arms. I was getting really tired of people's crap, but there was no way I could get out of this.

"No. You should rot in hell."

"Watch your mouth. I know you missed me. You must have because you're shuddering under my touch, or are you just afraid? Oh and by the way, you look sexy in your gym clothes."

"Why wouldn't I be? You almost killed me. You are a disgusting pig who deserves to die alone in a deep dark pit."

"Ha. Good times. Good times."

"What do you want asshole?"

I felt a slap across my face and it started to burn. What was it with people and slapping me? I let out a whimper and my knees began growing weak.

"Well baby I want you to know that because you're my girlfriend I plan on taking you out on a date tonight."

"You are not my boyfriend. I don't even like you, let alone love you."

"Yes you do."

"No I'm pretty sure I don't."

"Well it doesn't matter because I love you so... go get ready hot stuff."

"And what if I don't? What if I don't show up?"

"Good point. Good thing I came prepared."

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