ch 13 M.I.L.F

718 20 5

Monday September 30


" Your mom is a M.I.L.F." Spider states blatantly.

What the heck is a Milf?" I ask.

Spider, Ty, Carmen, and I are chilling at my house waiting for the rest of the gang to arrive because we're going clubbing.

" That's just wrong dude." Ty laughs shaking his head.

" Shut the hell up I know you were thinking it." 

" I was not." he blushes.

" Yes you were, you just got the hots for Dalllas so you won't admit it." Carmen imputs.

" Okay can someone tell me what a M.I.L.F is?" I question.

" Mother I'd like to fuck." Spider answers my question." Everyone knows what a M.I.L.F is, most people have fucked a M.I.L.F."

" Oh...............ewwwwww your gross." 

" You fucked a M.I.L.F!?" Dot questions squeezing in-between Carmen and I. She puts an arm around both of us." Do tell."

" Last summer I was in Vegas as you all know and I was mowing this ladies lawn. She just got a divorce and she just got back into shape too. Her body was so slamming and she was just so lonely so we got to talking and we found somethings that we had in common." 

" Like what your dick in her ass?" Dot blurts out.

" Yeah and you know her mouth on my dick." He laughs

Dot and Spider start laughing so hard that their faces turn red and they can barley breath. Them together is horrible, they are like a mothers worse nightmare.

" You two are animals." Carmen scolds.

" Never that." Dot smirks.

" Dot can you believe that this chick didn't know what a M.I.L.F was." Ty blurts out pointing to mr.

I nudge him in the stomach and give him a dirty look, now Dot is going to make fun of me.

" Yeah especially since her mom is one." Spider laughs.

" Hey now don't talk about our mom like that!" Dot growls slapping his arm.

" Our mom?" Ty questions.

" Didn't you know Dots parents died and my mom adopted her."

" I wish." Dot mumbles

" Really?"

" No but I cant get her to leave."

" I know, its horrible she eats all of our food." my mom chuckles walking into the living room .

" What I do not! This kid next to me eats like a manic." Dot laughs pointing to me.

" Shut-up Dot!" 

" Love you." She smirks blowing me a kiss.

" So mom I guess your a M.I.L.F." I announce.

" Who said that?" she questions.

We all laugh and point to Spider.

" I don't know if I should be honored or offended by being called a M.I.L.F."

" You should defiantly be honored momma bear." Dot grins.

" Wait do you even know what a M.I.L.F is ?"

" Well duhh Dallas."

" Great am I the only one who didn't know what a M.I.L.F was." I sigh.

" No honey your not." A familiar voice says behind us.

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