2.) What Happens In Vegas.

Start from the beginning

The bad part has something to do with her past. I don't really know. She seems cool to me and I guess we all can't change the past. Instead we should try and embrace the future.

Like, for instance, in the past. Me being hung up on Tori. But I've accepted the fact that she'll always love Luke and have feelings for him. Embrace the future.

"Yeah, he won't shut up about her and I guess she's supposed to be coming over later tonight." He goes back to playing his game. "I dunno."

"Okay, perfect. The more the merrier." I clasp my hands together, smiling cheekily.

"The more the merrier for what ?" He frowns.



"Thank you for coming with me, Mar." I smile, driving along the high way.

In 15 minutes I'll be in Vegas. The place that everyone's often warned about. It'll be good to see Luke. We ended things on a bad note but one thing I need is reassurance on the stability of our friendship. We'd both be stupid to let 18-19 years of friendship go down the toilet.

"Oh, girl, it's no problem. I wasn't going to let you travel alone." Kamari smiles, rolling her window down and letting the wind blow her curls.

Kamari, along with the rest of the gang, moved down to Cali on New Years Eve. Actually, they're all in the same apartment building as me. It was what I needed too.

I was in a bad place but I wouldn't let anyone know that I was. I was always good at letting my feelings be unbeknownst. That's why had song writing. I let it do the talking for me.

"Hey, check and see if that's Luke." I say, handing my vibrating phone to Kamari.

She nods, "Mhm, he says, "Plans have changed. Meet me at the Diner on 125 SummerSet Blvd. ""

"I'm gonna kill him." I groan, turning around. "Can you put that in my GPS?"

"Sure thing." She focuses on my phone, typing away.

I exhale a bit, focusing on the road a bit. Something familiar was happening in the pit of my stomach. The same feeling I got whenever dad bought me a bag of sour patches, in comparison to the moments when Luke had looked at me like I was the only girl in the world.

Oh no. I'm still in love with him.


I don't know what it is but over the past few months, I recently picked up this newfound confidence. I mean even my stage presence switched up. I went from being socially conscience and insecure in my own skin, figuratively and literally-- to not really caring.

I got my first tattoo a week ago. Tori doesn't know. That's part of the reason I wanted her to come up here. The other part.. I miss her, so much. I want her back so bad. I'm always willing to fight for what we have which is something priceless to me. A bond no one can break.

Many have tried but they haven't fully succeeded because she will be the one person I want to call whenever I'm down and she's the one person I want to hold whenever I'm in need of comfort.

I smile, sending the text for her to meet me at a diner around the block and right at the exit of the highway she's getting off of. I was already there. Waiting in the parking lot.


We had made it. And there he was, smiling as he walks up to the car. He looked so much different, in a good way. His hair, more relaxed as if he just rolled out of bed. Oh god, and the six pack forming through his shirt. Damn he looks like that and I'm just bleh..

(Editing) Truly Yours, //t.k & l.hWhere stories live. Discover now