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** So here it is the next chapter of dawns epic journey! Remember if you have any ideas for new pokemon in this region just comment bellow ;)**

Dawn spent the rest of the day taking a look around the beautiful town where Nurse Jennetta Lives. The town was called Angel Falls, due to a misty waterfall the overlooked the town from the cliffs ahead. The town was averaged sized and full of lovely residents who smiled at dawn as she shyly walked by. As dawn smiled at an old chinese lady, she became oblivious to the boy walking directly towards her. Just as she turned to face forward, Dawn crashed into the boy.

The boy had purple spiky hair, which seemed to glow in the sun. His grey eyes were surrounded by luminous green spectacles and he wore a matching wool jumper. "Oh my" the boy said "I am so sorry!"

"Its fine" Dawn replied whilst staring at his unusual hairstyle. The shade of purple in which it was dyed reminded her of the mysterious purple light that brought her here in the first place. "My names Dawn by the way" she said, trying to take her mind off the event, which is why she came on a walk in the first place. "My name is Cydon" he replied "nice to meet you!"

As Cydon began to walk away, Dawn suddenly shouted "Hey do you want to hang out sometime?" The unusual boy nodded then walked off into the distance.

Dawn was mesmerised, not because she loved this boy but, because she knew there was something very peculiar about him, and being a natural adventurer, she liked this. Dawn returned to Jennetta's house, to be greeted by a large looking man in a labcoat. "You must be Dawn" he said merrily as he shook dawns hand "I was wondering if I could talk?"

Dawn discovered that the large scientist was Infact Professor Bryno, the head proffesor in the nocturne region. As they discussed his investigations, it soon became apparent that the Professor had been contacted by Oak. He wanted dawn to record all the pokemon in this new region, just like she had before. At first dawn was very reluctant as she wanted to keep her mind on piplup. Then she realised, she needs to learn about the inhabitants of this strange region herself if she wants to find her pokemon.

After dawn agreed she retreated to her temporary bedroom and opened her pokedex:

1 unread message from Ash Ketchum

"Hey Dawn, how are you? We are missing you already! Maybe we can video chat sometime

Love ash


Dawn quickly slammed shut her screen. What will she tell ash? She didnt want to worry him whilst he takes the road to fame and power. The word "love" echoed in her mind. Confused from ash's ending, Dawn fell asleep confused, upset and reluctant to the day ahead.

Dawn now must find Piplup, research all pokemon and capture her own team! Oh and dont forget about her meet up with Cydon! What will happen find out in the next chapter!

*** Make sure to vote, and comment your pokemon ideas!***

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