Byakuya Togami x Reader (Request)

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(This is a request from @CallmeXcff-chan This was fun yet stressful to write. Not because I hate writing, but because I never have free time... Anyways I hope you enjoy!)




"Childish" He spits out

"Bratty" I replied holding a book between my arms.




"Dumb ass"

This was it every single day now. Just a casual conversation between me and the heir Byakuya Togami. We were in the library almost everyday and we always clash whenever we see each other. It was odd as one would say, I mean its been going on for so long I can't remember when it first started. It was possibly when I first came to school and it was his personality that stood out to me like a splinter. Yet it was always something really small so we still read and continue our daily life. Yet it was odd talking to him now...

He seems so calm dealing with me now or the situation in general. He never really comes back with a strong remark like last time. He just now either ignores my remark or ends it all. Either way as I finished off he walked away looking for another book. Till he was out of view I let out a sigh of frustration and lay my head on the desk using the book as a cushion. I don't know why, but I want to actually talk to him instead of throwing out words at his face. I actually want to have something with him and I don't know why!

I mean yeah he's seems like a jackass at first... And still is... And even more. Alright I may take my point back, but...

People can change right?

He is a person and people have a reason to be who they are...Right? I mean that's what I found on a quote, but oh well! Looking around the library to see bookshelf which can be mistaken as pillars by how tall they are. With books of different sizes supported the crooked shelf it felt abandoned with lights flashing on and off some time with no voices or sound in the library. I was shocked the library is still alive from how old it looks. Directing my attention to the only sound you can hear in the library I saw him walking his way back here with a new book in his hand I decided to ask slightly curious still holding tightly to hope wishing this is going to work I said.

"What that?"

"A book" He replied adjusting his glasses in a slight sarcastic tone.

"What kind of book Togami" I said holding back my anger looking at him as I saw him lift his face up from the book replying calmly "A mystery"

"What is it about?" Receiving a slight confused look from his emotionless face he replied

"A murder"

"Can I see?"

"What's your deal?" Before the conversation was going to where I wanted it to go. He abruptly says breaking the chain of conversation, putting his book down on the table he made direct eye contact to me "Why aren't you talking back at me?"

"I-is that a problem?" I said taken aback yet slightly sadden for his thoughts of me "I just thought we can actually talk Togami... I mean don't you find it odd we always fight? I actually want to be friends" Remaining in silence for who knows how long I stood up from my chair and took the book he was reading and flipped to a random page.

"What are you doing?"

"Reading" I replied in his sarcastic tone, as I continued on reading I heard footsteps fading away. To my guess he gave up and picked another book, but instead I felt hands wrap around my waist as I was picked up and placed back down. Shocked and startled I immediately placed the book down to reel in what just happened. Only as I started to move I only heard the same repeating voice

Dangan Ronpa x Reader Where stories live. Discover now