dollar bills and tears keep falling down her face

7 0 0

She got of her hands and knees. He'd gone. Long gone. And she was cold and numb once again. What was this she feeling? It didn't feel normal, yet it was so enticing to her that she needed more of it constantly to suffice her craving.

The notes slowly fell to her feet. The man pulled his clothes back on and left without another word. She fell back onto the floor, hugging her knees. Why did she need him? Why couldn't he just stay away and let her do what she needed to survive in this world?

She picked up the crumpled notes and unscrewed them. They looked worthless like this. All screwed up and unloved. The more she thought about it, the more she compared. The more she compared herself to the money she held, and the value it was worth compared to her.

She was nothing...

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