Chapter One: Nadia

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"What are you doing here Kavik?" I ask the man who stands before me. To say the least, I am shocked to see him here, he never seemed the type to leave the North Pole.

"I wanted to see you again. It has been so long since we last saw each other," he says sadness creeping into his voice. I look at him. He is stronger than when I last saw him. He also holds himself with more confidence.

"It has been a long time, I'm sorry I just left the capital, but my training was completed," I tell him.

"Don't lie Nadia, you left because you didn't want to accept my marriage proposal," Kavik said to me.

I remember that night. It was beautiful out, not to cold but there was still fresh snow. The stars shone really brightly that night too. I had passed my mastery level waterbending test after years of studying and training in the capital. My best friend and training partner, Kavik wanted to talk to me about it. Kavik was the only other young person in the palace, it just so happened he was there because he was the chief's son. I was the exception staying here, most waterbending students were from the main city so my master made a deal that I would live here so I didn't commute. We became close in the process. I was looking over a bridge at the fish swimming below me in the freezing river water when he got down on a knee and held out a betrothal necklace. It was a nice necklace, he made it himself, that was clear as per tradition.

"Kavik what is this?" I asked smiling. He got up and held my hand.

"Over these past couple of years, I have fallen for you Nadia. You are so beautiful, smart, and strong. You are perfect and I love you. Please, I am expected to find a wife to rule by my side but how can I when I can't leave the palace that often. But even if I could interact with any girl, none of them would compare to you. There is something special about you, even if you don't see it, I do. So Nadia, please?"

"Kavik. I don't know what love feels like. I can't pretend to know how I feel about you. But even if these feelings I have for you are love, I can't. If I were to marry you, I would become a princess, there is so much more I want to see. I want to travel the world. I don't think I could handle the responsibilities. I am not the special one you claim me to be. So for these reasons, I am sorry Kavik, but I refuse your proposal." I managed to say without crying. I turned my back and walked away.

I left the capital the next morning to return home.

"That may have been part of it," I mumble back to him, rubbing my hand on my arm, a habit I have for when I am nervous.

"But you have seen the world now. Learned a bunch of awesome new bending. Wouldn't it be great to have some sense of normalcy in your life again?" he asks, sitting down next to me so I don't have to crane my neck.

"What do you mean?" I ask not sure what he means.

"I mean, come back to the North Pole with me. You will have your brothers, your old master, I know my father wants to personally thank you and hold a banquet," he lets slip. I stare at him wide eyed.

"The chief wants to hold a banquet?" I ask, shocked.

"In your honor. It has been a long time since an Avatar came from the Northern Tribe it feels like. Plus, you saved thousands of lives today but coming to warn him, you deserve it," he explains to me.

"It doesn't feel like I deserve it," I say, looking down.

"I heard about your teammate that died." I give him a look of confusion on how he heard so he continues. "When I asked where you were so we could talk, they said you might want some time alone due to the loss of a teammate, I don't know more than that." I nod my head. "I am sorry about the loss, but he must have known what could happen."

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