X-Men Fan Fiction - Prologue

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  • Opgedragen aan Those Who Love Mutants

Hahaha yeah... x-men fan fiction...

Guess I should start the prologue, then....

Please comment!


Her name's Roxanne. Roxanne Summers. Everytime I see her my heart stops. She's blonde, tall... and she's a mutant. How do I know? Well, God gave us gifts, didn't he. I'm just using what I've got. No, that sounds creepy, actually my dad knows all this rubbish. He's, you know, Proffesor X. THE Proffesor X. Yeah, I'm pretty well off. So I know everything there is to know about mutant families. And I know she's single. And hopefully looking....

But no, I refuse my life story to turn into that sappy romance shit. This isn't about love. This is about the X-Men. And the weird stuff we get up to on our crime fighting adventures. I wish I could tell you what's going to happen, but truth is, I have no idea! Well, I've got to get a move on, class starts in 10 minutes and I don't want to be late again. Time to learn the ins and outs of mutant powers...

Mutant Adventures (an X-Men fan fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu