Me: The shopping's cancelled brother...

Cody: (reading magazine) Oh..why? (flips page)

Me: Keith's sick...(grabs jacket)

Cody: (flips page) Oh...(throws magazine) KEITH'S SICK?!

Me: Y-Yes...I'm going there to take a lo-

Cody: (grabs jacket) Let's go...(ran outside)

I rolled my eyes...Typicall Cody..Whenever something happened to Keith, those two are always there to help her...Well I'm worried too..Don't get me wrong...Well it's just they are making it obvious that they like Keith...But I guess she didn't notice...But it was very OBVIOUS!! Anyway..I made my way across the street and went over Keith's house...


Keith's P.O.V

I sighed and relaxed a little bit...My body's all sore...

Mom: (opens door) Dear, you got a visitor...

Greyson: (smiles) Hey...

Me: (smiles) Hey..

Mom: I'll leave you two alone..(closes door)

Greyson sat beside me and gently touch my forehead...He looked at me with a worried expression and kissed my forehead....I began to feel dizzy all of the sudden...


Greyson's P.O.V

She really got a bad fever...She's too hot...I mean literally !! I sat beside her and kissed her forehead...

Me: You should sleep...

Keith: (yawns) I can't sleep...

Me: (chuckles) Sure you do...

Keith: Come here...(smiles)

I lay beside her...She pulled me closer and hugged me tight..She rested her head to my chest and yawns...Aww she's so cute <3...Oops...FOCUS Greyson..Focus...I could feel the heat on my cheeks...Damn I need to control this thing...

Keith: (closes her eyes) I love you GreyBear...You're the best (yawns) best friend ever...(snores lightly)

Me: (whispers) I love you too...(kisses her forehead)

I watched as she sleeps..I couldn't help but notice how rosy her cheeks are..and her I yearn to taste them again and again and again...stop Greyson....stop thinking like that....But I can't help it..She's so beautiful...Well if you really love her that much kiss her dumbass!!....Wow I didn't know fighting with my thoughts could be so annoying

I kissed her forehead...What just her forehead?! Okay...Okay thought of mine...I lean in and kissed her cheeks...Just the-Oh bother..And you even call yourself a man...Okay alright already!! I'll do it...I began to lean forward and gently pressed my lips against hers...It somehow taste like...Honey? I quickly pulled away and stared at the ceiling....I found myself smiling over nothing...You're the man Greyson!!..

The door opened...I didn't bother to look at who it was because I was busy with my thoughts...


Alli's P.O.V

I saw Cody from a distance talking to Matt? How convenient...I slowly walked towards them and gave Matt a smile...

Me: What's up?

Cody: (sighs) I got an interview today...which means-

Me: You can't visit Keith today...Aww...(pats his back)

Cody: Why now Matt?

Matt: (crosses arms)'s scheduled today...Come on...You can get dressed at the dressing room...(grabs Cody's wrist) You coming Alli?

Me: Nope...I've got a friend to visit...(points at Keith's house)

Cody: Just tell Keith to get well...(gets to limo with Matt)

I waved them goodbye and continued walking to Keith's house...I rang the doorbell and there appeared cute little Kevin...

Kevin: Hey Alli..(smiles)

Me: Hey there Kevin...

Kevin: My sister's upstairs with brownie...(grabs my wrist) Come on...

Kevin led me upstairs and faced Keith's door...He said that I could gently opens the door...she wouldn't mind anyway...then he ran downstairs...Well here goes nothing...I gently opened the door and revealed a sleeping Keith on Greyson's chest?! Woah...Good thing Cody's not here...

Me:(whispers) Hey Greyson...

Greyson: (looks at me) Hey...(smiles)

Me: How is she?

Greyson: She's doing fine...I guess..

Keith: (sleeping) Cody give me my waffle back...(snores lightly)

Me: (laughs) Yup I can see she's doing fine...(smiles)

Keith: (opens eyes) Wait..Wha-? (looks at me) Alli? (smiles) Hi...(rubs eyes) I just had the weirdest dream in my life...

Greyson: (stands up) I'll go get you a glass of water...I'll be back..(walks away)

I sat beside Keith as she rub her eyes out...Seriously..She's like the baby girl of our group...

Keith: I just dreamt of Cody taking my waffle away...(shivers) Weird...but cute..(giggles)

Me: Wow...You dreamt my brother while sleeping in the arms of Greyson...(laughs) Just WOW...

Keith: What's that suppose to mean?

Me: (crosses arms) Uh-What do you feel?

Keith: Umm..The headaches were all go-

Me: No...I meant when your with Greyson or Cody...Is there a butterflies or-

Keith: Now that you mention it....I kinda have those feelings...But I seriously can't point it out....

Me: Well your lucky cause....(pats her head) I'll help you (smiles)

Keith: Thanks....

Then Greyson came in with a glass of water in his hands....It's really obvious that he's doing it because he's worried about Keith AND he loves her...Well it just happens that Keith is too dense to know....Great...Don't get me wrong...I'm not on Team Greyson or Team Cody...I just want Keith to be happy....

Greyson: Here's water...(gives her the glass)

Keith: Thanks...(drinks water)

Greyson: It's spilling....(wipes water in Keith's lips)

Keith: (smiles) and again..Thanks

Greyson: (blushes) Anything for you...(smiles)

I just smiled at their moment....See? It's clearly obvious....What did I tell you?...Well It's getting cheesy here...So...see you in the next chapter!!

My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson]Where stories live. Discover now