"You and i against the world ..."

Start from the beginning

{Fast forwarding to the morning}
*Poke, poke, poke* I wake up the following morning to fingers aggressively poking the hell out of me as I'm lying in bed, and on top of that a killer headache. Wait, how did I get here? I ask myself. I stretch, I rub my head, and my eyes too, i widen my eyes as much as I can, so I can clearly see who or what is poking me, I see these small figures appear. Ugh this light is killing me I sidetrack. Those figures belong to my baby sister and baby bro, who are both poking me, snickering with the biggest smiles on their faces. "Bubba, bubba, wake uppp." My brother John says. I look over to my alarm clock. "It's 11:00am guys, what are you doing up this early?" I look over to the both of them and pick them both up, and slowly tackle them onto my bed, I'm sore but I start tickling, and play fighting them. All is good. But I then notice that my sisters laugh started to fade, and her smile slowly starts to die down, it hurts to see that something is troubling Sarah. I stop tickling her, but I still tickle my brother on the other side, so they both share my undivided attention. I need to get to the root of this. I ask her "what's got you down Sarah, talk to me babygirl." She replys "did our daddy hurt you last night ?" She says in a heart breaking soft tone. She starts tearing up. I hold her close. "No, no, no he didn't baby, it's okay, it's okay, shhh don't worry about me I'm fine. I'm a big boy okay, we never get hurt or pushed around. He will never hurt me, or anyone in this house for that matter, because he's gonna have to go through me okay? And I'm going to protect you guys with everything I've got in me." I say smiling, I kiss her forehead for what seems like forever. Man. They need to leave this house and get away for a bit, And I got an idea, they need to chill at granny's crib. "Okay, guys I think it'll be good for you guys to stay at granny's for just this weekend. So start getting ready for grandmas house." I made a list and give them the list, it lists the things they need to leave with before walking out the house. They jump off my bed, and run off, they're fast asf.
"I trust that you'll pack everything you need from the list alright ?!" I shout. I decided it would be best for them if they didn't stay here. Oh,Shittt. That makes me think, I've gotta start packing for nash's place too. I walk into my walk-in closet and pick out all the shit in going to take with me, my backpack, trunks, my Calvin boxer briefs, tank top, a shirt, a pair of shoes, and basketball shorts. I get my other shit I need. I pack light. I hear two loud knocks from where I'm standing and the door swings open. Damn these kids. I lean over and see my siblings in front of my doorway; with their suitcases fully loaded, one Spider-Man, the other Cinderella. That was quick. lol they make me laugh. We travel downstairs, these kids are hyped and ready, I can tell by the giggles and them jumping three stairs at a time, we pass the living room to head inside the kitchen. We sit at the island where everything is prepared. We eat the breakfast my very appreciated mother made. I walk over to my mother "mom about last night ..." She kisses me on my forehead "Thanks about last night, and it's okay I'm fine baby, don't you ever worry about me that's my job." She pauses and looks into my eyes. "You know, to worry about my beautiful kids." She says smiling. "But your no kid jack" she says letting out a small laugh. "My baby, you're all big now, your going to have leave me soon, wow; you really need to stop growing up so fast." She pauses again, and places her hand on my face. "Man. you turned out okay, you turned out just fine, you really did jack. Your nothing like your father okay ? Your a real man, twice the man he is. And I couldn't be more proud of you." She smiles. How could she be smiling right now ?
"Thanks mom, and its no problem, but it's hard not to worry mom.." I pause for a sec. Where is he by the way ? Where is the man, he better not still be here. "What are we going to do about dad ?" I ask bluntly. "He's not staying in this house anymore.. Um I-I uh kicked him out for good.. For good this time." She responds, her voice cracking, I'm sad to see that this is effecting her, I truly feel for her. This has been the best news I've heard all week though, and a lot of good has happened to me lately, like Kali. I smile a smile to reassure her she's fine. "Sounds good, but hey mom I'm taking the kids to grandmas, I think it'll be good for them to start over for a little while, and I'll be picking them up on Sunday, and I'm also going to stay at a friends place this weekend too, so you could have your time alone ." I tell her, "thanks!" She says faking her excitement a lil, she's happy but not so much. "That's great, but who's this friend I hear?" She comments. "Aahaha mom it's just Nash don't worry, I'll be fine. We won't party too hard." I say cracking a joke. She grabs my hand and nods while smiling. "I love you baby." She says to me . "You guys have fun okay ?" She says walking over to my siblings. She's kisses them, and walks away. She leans over the counter . I can now see she's really sad. She buries her face in her hands. I walk over and put my hand on her shoulder. I know my mom, it takes a while for her to come back around but I Know she'll be fine, we'll all be fine. We finish eating and we say our love you's and we say our goodbyes. I hug her to let her know I'm always there for her. She follows us out to the doorway, and she waves with the napkin she had in her hand. "Call me if you need anything." I shout, poking my head out the window. "I'll be fine, have fun and tell grandma I said hi, love you guys!" She says fast because I start moving the car out the driveway. I drive out on the road. I put my hand out the window and wave as me and the kids shout "love you too." together. I pop my hand back inside from the window and roll them up. My siblings are in the car, and we're bopping (kids bopping it because you know how it goes down in mr.g's car ya feel) to the songs on the stereo, and we have a great time. I love them so much and I would do anything for them. I get to grandmas big ass house, and I drop them off , I see grandma and I wave, I tell her mom said hey. I air kissed them, waved , and drove off. Now off to Nash's house.
*Ring ring *
Unknown caller. I pick up my phone, answer it, put it on speaker and set it back down.  "Hi." I recognized the sweet familIar voice. It's Kali. "Wassup." I say. "Are you heading down to Nash's place right now ?" She asks. "Yeah I am actually, I guess I'll meet you there huh ?" I raise my voice a little so she can hear me good. "Alright cool, see you then !" She says and hangs up. I smirk.
Kali's pov //
I wake up, and start packing for Nash's place. Doctors orders were to stay only at home, but fuck the rules, when do teenagers ever follow them ? I call jack to see what he was doing, he's heading to Nash's, and soon I will be too. Im getting ready but I am slowed down because I bump into in cam in the hallway. "Ouch boy, incoming almost dead person, remember ?" I say sarcastically. "HA" cam says back in a sarcastic tone. "I plan on driving my car down there alone. "Okay I'm going to drive to Nash's and we're going to meet there." I grab my keys and all of a sudden I feel cam grab them out of my hands. "Cmon dude seriously ?" Cam says in an attitude. "Cam what is your problem?" I say. My problem is I can't trust you, last time I let you walk out this door, I almost lost you." he gets quiet. "Cool, do whatever, you can even drive me okay ? I wanna spend time with you anyways. But look cam you're going to have to let me go sooner or later. I'm not the little girl I was back then. You can trust that everything is going to be alright. Nothing is going to get in between us. You and I.. Against the world buddy." I say poking his side over and over. His face lights up and he smiles, "okay idiot lets ride out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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