four - sexy-ass shoulders induce raging boners.

7 0 0

picture is of a sweatshirt i found at rue 21; i love the quote on it.

also, sorry i haven't updated any of my stories in a while, i was stressing out with school work before the semester ended 😪 i also have a boyfriend now and i've been hanging out with and talking to him a lot ❤️:-)

hope you enjoy this chapter, kind of a filler srry


Solve for x.

x2 - 3|x - 2| - 4x = - 6

Leslie groaned. She'd never been that great at math- especially Algebra. She had always been more of a History type of gal, as in the fact that it wasn't that hard for her to remember things like the longest war ever in history lasted from 1651 to 1986, had the Isles of Scilly against the Netherlands, and produced zero casualties. But remembering equations and formulas and whatever else in Math just didn't come that easy to her. She had always liked learning about things that had happened decades or even centuries before she was born, so maybe it was because she was interested in those types of things, she remembered them? Leslie had no idea. All she knew was that she hated any kind of Math, and she was pretty sure it hated her in return.

Leslie's eyes trailed over the equation listed on the paper in front of her. It was the last question of a test she knew that she had already failed, and it was currently ten minutes past the time her last class of the day was supposed to end, so she just wrote down the first thing that popped into her head.

i don't know and i don't really care

Leslie knew that she'd probably get yelled at for her impromptu response come Monday afternoon, but she honestly didn't really care. Math was utter bullshit, so really her answer wasn't that impromptu at all, but she knew that it would be according to Ms. Raley, and probably everyone else that seemed to think that learning to solve for x was a necessity in order to get by in life.

Once Leslie had her test turned in, she slowly made her way out of the classroom, sighing loudly. Yes, she was beyond ecstatic for the fact that she wouldn't have to see Ms. Raley's wrinkly, bitchy face for another two days, but she wasn't beyond ecstatic that she would have to see her parents' wrinkly, bitchy, uptight faces for the next two days. Unlike every other teenager, weekends were Leslie's least favorite part of the week. Especially this weekend.

Yes, Leslie normally had gigs at random, various places with her band on Friday nights, and sometimes Saturday and Sunday nights- but this weekend was different. She had a gig that night after school and on Saturday, but not Sunday. The only time Leslie actually kind of enjoyed weekends was when she had a gig every day. Not having a gig every day of the weekend meant more time for her to be at home, which meant more opportunities for her to be yelled at by her parents.

Which is exactly what happened as soon as she walked in through the front door of her house after walking home from school.

"Leslie Christine Fitzpatrick, where on earth have you been? We've been worried sick!" Her mother yelled at her, placing her hands on her hips. Her mouth was set into a tight line, and her eyes burned with aggravation.

Leslie rolled her eyes, checking her teeth in the mirror by the front door. There was a piece of steak stuck in between two of her front teeth. Awesome. "Clarissa, honey, I'm literally only like, twenty minutes late. I had to stay behind in Algebra to finish a test, and some teacher I don't care enough about to remember the name of yelled at me because 'my tank top revealed my shoulders, which was an utter distraction.'"

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