two - different.

5 0 0

i'm srry but DAMN ^^^^^

happy belated halloween guys!!!!! 🎃👻


Leslie quickly adjusted the snapback on her head, glancing over at her bandmates as they continued to prepare themselves for tonight's show. They had played this club only a couple of times before, but it was by far Leslie's favorite in all of Sydney. It really wasn't that special, though; just an old club with a bar that happened to have good alcohol for a cheap price and a nice, retro feel to the whole place. But that was why Leslie loved it- it was different. Leslie had always been one to love different. Hell, she was different. All of her friends were different too- she had never been one to associate with people that tried to be like everyone else in the infamous, universal in-crowd.

So maybe that's why when she saw a familiar, timid boy standing near the edge of the stage, she got a little distracted.

Leslie really wanted to know why the boy- Michael, was it?- seemed so... scared. He looked like he was about to pass out when she had talked to him in the bathroom a couple of minutes ago, and he wasn't looking any better now. He looked worse. Michael's head was lying against some guys chest, and he looked like he was shaking in fear, but it was hard to tell from between the curtain Leslie was standing behind. The other guy, whom had dark brown hair with a blonde streak running through his kind-of fringe, was rubbing his hand over the shorter boy's back. He was whispering something in Michael's ear, to which he nodded slowly.

Leslie didn't get it. If the kid was upset, why not just take him back home? Like, he didn't seem to be any older than sixteen. And he was at a club. She definitely wouldn't blame him for being a little nervous.

Leslie was pulled from her thoughts when she felt a tap on her back. She turned around to see Aiden, their band's drummer. He was smiling, drumsticks in hand. "You ready, dude? We're about to go on. You just seem a little... out of focus?"

The brown-haired girl shook her head quickly, adjusting her snapback again, which was beginning to feel itchy for some odd reason. "No, no, I'm fine. I'm ready; let's do this shit."

Aiden's smile widened even more, and he quickly patted Leslie on the back before running off to the stage to start the show. Aiden always started their shows, whether it be at a bar or an actual venue (well, they hadn't played a venue yet, but, just sayin'). He just had this aura to him that always got crowds excited, and honestly, he was the best performer to manipulate people into losing their fucking minds that Leslie had ever seen.

Soon, the rest of the band joined him on stage; Blake (guitar), Park (bass), Tyler (guitar), and then Leslie. Leslie's bandmates always made her go on last because she was the lead singer, like, most-important-member-for-last kinda deal. Which, Leslie so didn't argue with. She was the frontwoman, everyone paid the most attention to her. Maybe that was kind of a conceited way of looking at things, but Leslie didn't really care.

Soon, everyone was on stage. Leslie smiled as she looked over the audience. Yeah, it wasn't that big, only about fifty people or so (most people at the club just came there to get drunk at the bar, as most people would), but it was still something. Leslie used to think that her band would never even make it out of Tyler's garage. She couldn't of been more blessed as she stepped up to the mic in the front of the stage, the spotlight shining in her eyes.

"Hi, we're The Rejected Perfection," Leslie said, smiling as she saw a few people in the crowd smiling back up at her. "And uh, we're not really that great of a band. We only have a few songs, and I guess they're at least a little decent? But, um, you guys can just decipher that yourselves. This is A Stab in the Back is Fun if You Know You Won't Regret it Later."

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