extended blurb.

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Michael & Leslie

Leslie Coverdale and Michael Clifford aren't alike in the slightest- except for the fact that they both have major baggage.

Leslie had never been one for playing it safe. Wherever there's trouble, Leslie usually has something to do with it. She was also unreliable, and not-uncommonly a total bitch. Really, the only redeeming quality she had was her love of music, and how much heart she put into the song-writing and singing for her band- and how much she loved and cared for her little sister. Only, her band wasn't exactly going anywhere, and, not to mention, her parents weren't exactly keen on the idea of their already-troublesome daughter playing shows at rundown bars every weekend.

Michael never got into any sorts of trouble- then again, how could he? He never left the house. Michael had always been a worrisome, over-all scared person, after all. After his mom and two brothers' deaths- and his father's abandonment- when he was only ten years old, Michael didn't have the heart for anything. His extreme case of OCD wasn't much of a help for his anxiety and lack of motivation, either.

But, when these two meet one night a few minutes before one of Leslie's band's gigs, both of their worlds change. Before they know it, they're both on a whirlwind adventure of doing crazy things neither one of them has ever done before, getting second chances at life that they'd never thought they would receive, and, maybe even getting a taste of what it's like to be in love with someone you have nothing in common with, and weren't ever supposed to be with.

Before I get any shit for writing this, know that I am not writing this book to romanticize mental illness. I am writing this book to show that anyone and everyone can have a good, meaningful life, and find someone that they can fall in love with and vice-versa, whether they have mental issues or not.

I hope you enjoy this book- I enjoy writing it; this book means the world to me.

-Jaycee x

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