She sighed, " clock huh? Did you see Sasuke there?" She asked, looking at us.

I bit my lip and stepped forward, " yes..." The others looked at me surprised, " he was the one who found me when I got separated from the others while entering the portal. He was dressed in his normal clothes though... So I don't know if he was there alone or had nothing to do with it." I said it then stepped back.

She nodded then turned to her friend, " get me books on the land of time... I want to see if we can find the clock or something." She said then looked at us, " anything else I should know?" She asked.

I looked at Shika who looked too mad to talk, " the... Land.. The land of time has seemingly imploded on itself without the clock..." I said it then got quiet again.

She looked shocked then relaxed and closed her eyes, " I see... You are dismissed, bring me your individual reports tomorrow."

I relaxed and we all left , I jumped down the steps. " Naru, why didn't you say you ran into Sasuke?" Kakashi asked, coming up to me. He looked upset...

I frowned, " we had a mission... Plus he had tried to help me..." I sighed. " I had planned to tell you but then things started blowing up." I told him as we walked.

I pulled down my shirt but then it was too far up... Ehh... I laughed nervously.... " I think I need a new outfit." I grumbled.

He chuckled, " oh? To snug?" He joked with me while pulling out his book.

I rolled my eyes and we headed to a shop to look for a new one. After a while I found a decent one, after a while. I just decided to get orange shorts with a black netting tube top.

" It's simple but it gets the job done." I said it while pulling on a black jacket as well.

Kakashi smiled at me, " you look lovely like always." He said it wrapping his fingers around mine.

I smiled as we walked, " wonder what will happen next?" I asked, thinking.

"With this village, who knows?" Kakashi said it with a sigh.

I giggled, " say kakashi... We should go to the hot spring! " I said it with a huge smile.

He tapped his chin, " are you REALLY sure you want to do THAT?" He said that with his 'line' face.

I raised my brows, " yes we will be naked underwater." I said it blushing hard. " but I mean kakashi we have to learn to deal with each other's bodies." I said it looking at him with want.

He chuckled, " as you mean we I think you mean YOU." He poked my nose.

I smirked, " oh I do mean you as well... Mr. I can barely handle myself." I winked at him.

His face turned red and he rubbed his neck. " sshhhh!" He pressed his fingers to his lips.

I giggled and sighed, " I really do love you." I leaned on him and he sighed. " Then a hot bath it is!" He agreed.


I had my towel around me and was walking toward the shared hot spring. I hope it's not crowded. I sighed this was going to feel so nice. I got to the edge looking into the mist... Can't see a thing in here. I guess that's a good thing.

I got into the water, dropping my towel and folding it before making my way into the mist. Knowing kakashi he was probably in a corner trying to read his book. I hummed as I made my way to the deeper end my shoulders under the water.

" there you are." Kakashi's voice came from behind me.

I whipped around looking into the nearly chiseled chest of Kakashi, my face flush. " you're always scaring me!" I pouted.

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