Strong arms

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Sadly after our intense moment at dinner and us finally going to bed in our own apartments. Kakashi had been called in for a mission with Naruto and Sakura. I was sad to say the least that I wouldn't be able to go. At least it gave me time to finish training. From what I understood I had a long lonely month and I wanted it to pass by as fast as I could make it. So I practiced and trained every day and did simple in the village or day trip missions. I was glad to finally be getting on my feet although Hokage was impatient to me and Kakashi's mission. She considered sending me alone like she had in the first place but changed her mind. She said she didn't want to risk it with me being injured recently.

I sat on top of Hokage mountain at the moment eating lunch and enjoying the view. I yawned and stretched going over today's plans. Kakashi would be coming back soon. It made me realize that his apartment had been sitting collecting dust. So I would be cleaning it up, not to mention I missed him a lot... I was hoping it would ease me to be there even though I had pretty much lived there being right next door. I also need to go shopping, drop my weapons off at the shop to be repaired, polished and replaced if needed, do laundry and finally I need to hand in the report for my simple babysitting and farming missions from today. Best do that first...

I finished up my lunch and headed to the building that Lady Hokage was in. I pretty much just swung in through the window. Lucky for me no one was there besides her. She was doing paper work and hadn't noticed me. "You know if I can get in here without you noticing or anyone else at that, you're going to get killed." I said it jokingly.

She looked up at me and rolled her eyes, "Hello, Naruko, how are you?" She said it ignoring what I had said all together. But she was being nice and that's all that mattered.

I smiled and went to stand in front of her desk. "Well enough, here are the reports on my missions for today. Also I did my missions for tomorrow since it didn't involve a specific time needed." I told her as I pulled out paperwork and laid it on her desk. I wasn't trying to rush through things I just had extra time so why not catch up or get ahead?

She nodded reading, through the papers and looked pleased. "I have to say Naruko, you're more dependable than your brother when it comes to things like this... He would be complaining about having to do such 'petty' missions." She said it with a look of annoyance at the reminder of a memory. She then relaxed and looked at me with great pride. "You have come a long way, Naruko. I know you don't have many people to tell you that." She said it as she put the papers into a file.

I sighed in appreciation, " Thank you Lady Hokage. I have Kakashi who says it sometimes but yes you're right." I said it leaning on her desk thinking as my heart ached for Kakashi in its newly found way.

She gave me a smart ass ' I know look ', "oh kakashi? Why does that not surprise me?" She said it knowingly as if it was plain as day.

I looked away nervously, "uhhh... " I didn't really say anything, not really sure what to say at that. There was a sudden knock on the door ending our doomed conversation. I blushed looking at the door and away from her.

She laughed, "Why don't you take the day off tomorrow? There aren't really any missions and I have to give the genin something to do." She said it in a worried tone. "Plus you need to take a break before you end up passing out. I'm glad you are back in shape but you're only human, Naruko. Now get out of here." There was another knock on the door as she spoke.

I just nodded and jumped out the window heading to the market. I landed in the street and continued on foot. I thought about what the Hokage had said... Maybe I really should take a breather. Well first thing's first I need to finish today at least. I looked up seeing the weapon shop and headed toward it looks like that was my first stop.

Double TroubleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora