Its a secret?!

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My heart set off in a flurry as I took Jiraiya's presence, or well it was his face but not his presence. My heart still hammered, " Who are you?" I questioned sternly as Kakashi jumped away from me.

I had never met this person before, my eyes narrowed.

Kakashi sighed. "Asuma....." The Jiraiya poof leaving Asuma, Kakashi stood up. Putting too much space between us. My eyes snapped between Kakashi and Asuma, I tried to hide the fact that it bothered me.

"I came over to see how the fight went... sorry didn't mean to intrude.. but the secret is safe with me." He said with a smirk, winking at Kakashi.

Kakashi chuckled, "Thanks." He suddenly looked relieved.

I froze... My heart ached and I was suddenly very uncomfortable with being here. My hand went to my chest as if I could catch the feeling. I'm sure my face held all that I felt right now thankfully he was looking away.

Kakashi sighed, answered nonchalantly. "They beat me, tricky students of mine... but they are strong and soon they will surpass me." Kakashi looked at me, impressed but his smile faded as he took in my expression.

"I think I will go..." I said it going toward my balcony. I felt awkward and..and... I didn't know... I felt hurt by Kakashi's actions.

"Naruko... wait..." Kakashi said it softly. I couldn't see his face as I jumped down anyway.

After a moment of standing on my balcony I slipped inside, closing my blinds and stood there. I wanted to cry... So easily I had just leapt into Kakashi admitting feelings, How Naive.. There was no way he actually meant anything serious. To agree to it being a secret... I closed my eyes as tears slipped through, I tried to hold it together but... I honestly felt caught off guard by the whole thing.

I made some tea in an attempt to calm my nerves. . After a while I felt tired enough and finally tried to sleep.

....Next day.....

I only slept for a few more hours before giving up and started to clean the apartment. I was scrubbing the floor when I heard a tap on my balcony door. I turned to was kakashi. I got up, stared at him for a moment and then decided to open it. "hi..." I said plainly. I was kinda upset with him.

He frowned at my simple greeting. "We have training at 6..." he said before vanishing back over to his balcony.

I closed my door slowly... I was even more confused... I went back to cleaning, getting lost in thought. I liked Kakashi and it sounded like he admitted to something himself last night, but why was my stomach twisting at Asuma's words? Kakashi's actions? I bit my lip and shook my head... I looked at the clock... my eyes widened. "ahhh!" It's 8?! I shot up and got dressed then ran out the door. I rushed to the training ground. I panted once I reached our normal spot. kakashi was pulling kunai from a tree. I ran up to him panting, "I'm late!" I blurted, all previous things trailing behind me.

He looked at me, "I would say very... I was just cleaning up.." He said it pulling another kunai from the tree.

I frowned, "I lost track of time...." I mumbled. My mind right back to my many thoughts again.

He nodded, "I can't really say anything when I'm always late..."

I couldn't help but smile at him. He seemed to perk up at that.... I looked around, still upset. "Well.... I came the whole way out here, so I think I'm going to go to my favorite star gazing spot." I said it not as an invitation but at least to let someone know where I was.

He tilted his head, "Where would that be?" He asked, staring down at me.

I kept my face under control, "Well it's this hill in the woods..." I pointed toward the woods. "It's about a few miles that way."

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