Loosing my mind

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You had fell asleep around 1 last night. You awoke to your phone ringing. You answer it groggily. "Wussup?" You ask. It's Phil on the other line. "Hi, Y/N! This is Phil," he says happily. You smile slightly. "Hey," you say, getting out of your bed. "So I was wondering if you wanted to come over to do a collab with me?" He asked in a nervous voice, sounding more high pitched than usual. "Sure," you say with a small laugh at his voice. You could tell he was smiling. "Great! See you at noon then?" He asks. "Sure!" You reply. You walk into Conner's room to tell him where you were going to be. "Thats fine. When you get back we can get some starbucks together or somthing," he says. You smile, nodding, then hurry to get dressed. It was eleven thirty already.

You curl your hair, then do some makeup. You decided on doing a smokey eye, with some light lipstick. You dont bother with foundation. You throw on a black tank top with a F/B logo and a gray infinity scarf, followed by black jeans and some black flats. You grab your purse and get a taxi to take you to Dan and Phil's flat.

After a short drive, you arrive at their flat. As you step out of the taxi, you give the man a tip, causing a smile to come across his face as he tipped his cap to you and drove off. You walk slowly to the porch of the home. Hoping you have the right address, you knock on the door. You smile as Dan answers the door. "Y/N? What are you doing here? How do you know where I live! Ommi gosh you stalker!" He adds playfully. You laugh, and he fixes his fringe. You gather yourself and tell him. "I'm here to do a collab with Phil, he gave me the address, and no, I am not a stalker, Daniel," you say, pushing past him playfully. He laughs, then points to what you assume is Phil's bedroom. "Phil is in there," he adds and watches you walk down the hallway before walking away into the kitchen.

You knock on Phils door, and when you receive no answer, you decide to walk in, only to see a Phil with no pants on, desperately tying to yank on a pair of black skinny jeans. Before he can look up, you turn away before laughing. "Phil! You could have said you were dressing!" You say between fits of laughter. You feel arms turning you around. You see a flustered (fully clothed) Phil behind you. "I didn't know what to say," he said, joining your laughter. "OK. Collab time," you say with a little dance.

You both decide to film a video for each channel. For your video you do a, "Guess the Combination of Food That is In Y/N's Mouth!" For Phils you did a truth or dare since he had tweeted the lions to ask for them. This was quite awkward, but whatever.

You both headed to the kitchen to greet Dan, but found him in the living room, scrolling through tumblr, taking his browsing position. You smile and sit next to him. You feel Phil sit next to you, quite close. You didn't mind. You smile at Dan as he looks up at you. He smiles back. "Wanna go to lunch together?" He asks. "Sounds cool," replies Phil. "You in, Y/N?" He asks. You nod, then get up to retrieve your purse from Phil's room.

You all decided on a local Diner. You sat across from the boys. You ordered some steak and potatoes. You giggled at Dan's order. "I'll have what the lady's having,'' he said in a weird accent. Phil laughed, along with the waitress. Phil got a soup with some pancakes. The waitress winks at Dan and leans closer to him before she walks away. You couldnt help feel a ping of jealousy as she did. 'What the heck!' You thought to yourself. 'I dont own him...' You sigh. 'That boy is gonna make me loose my mind.' You roll your eyes, but laugh as Dan calls after her. "NOT INTERESTED!" he screamed at her. She scowled.

You had a lovely lunch with the boys, and Dan even paid for your lunch, much to your decline. You had a great night with Conner, and to top it off- tumblr and coffee.

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