“Why are you sitting here? On the pavement . . .?” asked Harry in the nicest way. He really didn’t want to offend the girl because maybe she was Kat and he didn’t want her to walk away before he could even get a word out of her.

The girl was wearing her headphones so she took them off first before replying, “People say I’m odd so that’s probably the reason.” She put on her headphones again and ignored Harry as if he didn’t just kick her a minute ago.

Harry found himself sitting down beside the girl all of a sudden. Even the girl was looking at him oddly with him joining her. “What? Do I have something on my face?” He asked when he saw that the girl was staring back him.

She remained silent. Both of them are inspecting each other’s appearance. Harry noticed the familiar cat ears hair band he saw the other day and the black rimmed spectacles framing her brown eyes. “Why are you sitting here on the pavement with me?” She finally opened her mouth to mutter out the question that lingers in her mind.

“Is it wrong that I do?”

The unnamed girl shook her head and took off her headphones before tucking them away in her brown satchel, “Just weird that you wanted to join me here.” She was ignoring Harry again with her journal on her lap and a pen in her right hand. The only sound that made them having less awkward tension was the sound of the vehicles passing by speedily.

Harry didn’t understands why she was sitting her rather than in a warm and cosy coffee shop that was located two minutes from where she was sat. Nonetheless, he kept his mouth shut for that question. “Is your name, Kat?”

The girl shut her journal and narrowed her eyes at him, “Are you mocking me?”

“What? No, no, no, no.” Harry shook his head to support his response, “I was only guessing since you look like someone I know.”

“I’m sure she’s prettier than me since you only hang out with pretty girls . . . And boys.” said the girl, “I’m Lucy.”

“I’m Harry.” He offered his hand for a handshake but was rejected as Lucy began to reply.

“I know.” Lucy retorted, “You’re like the most famous nerd and jock in school. Everyone basically looks up to you because you’re defying the laws of status quo. No one hates you for being in the lacrosse team even though you’re a nerd.”

Harry’s lips formed a smile because that was the longest sentence Lucy has ever said ever since their first meeting, “First off, whoa. Don’t call me a nerd because I’m not. I just happen to have good brains and got into the lacrosse team.”

Lucy scoffed, “Whatever.” She stood up and slung her satchel on her right shoulder, “Good bye, Styles.”

“Wait!” Harry quickly stood up and caught up to Lucy who was already walking away from the town’s direction. “Are you new to the college? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.” He questioned when he was walking beside her.

“I’m new since the start of semester. So like, I’ve been in school for three weeks or so.” Lucy answered. She stopped her tracks to ask the boy with her head titled to the side, “Harry, why are you being so friendly with me?”

“It’s just how I am.” Harry replied truthfully with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, “I’ll see you later . . ?”

“If you’re lucky enough.” Then, Lucy started to quicken her pace and left Harry frozen on his spot like the first time she had done.

The curly-haired lad decided it was time to go back to his home because he thought he had enough of wandering around. As he walked back home, his mind couldn’t stop making up assumptions about how similar Kat and Lucy were.

It can’t be. They’re totally different. Kat is confident and dresses more stylish. Lucy is quiet and looks like she likes to be alone in her own world. One thing that is similar; they are both mysterious, Harry thought as he walked back to his home.


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