Chapter 11

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"I took his away for a reason" my birth mother said

"Well what was that reason?" I asked her

"Well that shall not be revilled to you today" she said looking away from me

"Why not?" I said getting a more demanding tone to my voice

"Because you are not old enough to understand" she said raising her voice just below a yell

"Well then make me understand" i said in the same tone as she used

"You shall not use that tone with me young lady" she said yelling at me

"Well then you shouldn't treat me like a child when i have practicly raised my self" I said yelling at her and she looked stuned "you left me all alone to be treated like I'm some sort of alien"

"I di---" she began before i cut her off

"You didn't know all becasue you ditched me here to be treated like shit and now you want me back but you are going to have to work for it just like Darren" I huffed and started breathing heavy.

"Well they never should have treated there princess like that" my mother said

"Well it's not there fault its yours" i said pointing at her "you are the one who left me here not knowing who the hell I am"

She stood speechless while Darren smiled "Thats my girl that I love" he said coming up to hug me

I backed away and pushed on his chest "Don't even think about it you are no where near having my love" i sapat at him

They were both looking at me now like i was insane. I huffed and walked out of the doctors to room to go to my own. I saw my door come into veiw after acouple seconds. I sighed in reliefe and grabbed my door nobe. I walkedin to notice that my bed was made perfectly. "Must of been the maids" I thought to myself. I laid down and saw a note on my bedside table. i reached over and grabbed it.

"Dear Natile,

     I know that i haven't been the best of brother but i would love to make it up to you. Would you come to my room tomorrow morning so we can go out for the day? I would love to go out to breakfast with you. I know you love amusment parks so maybe we can go to one. Would you please mind link me in the morning to tell me if you are coming or not? I know I treated you horribly but please let me make it up to you. I know you are probably think that this is a trick but let me assure you it is not, i swear on my life. And you know how much I love my life ;) even if i had done some horrible things to you

                               -Love Nick-"

I looked at the note one more time and thought about what i should do.......



VoTe!             CoMmEnT!             FaN!


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