stuck in hetalia

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The room was dark and cold we felt out of place, me and my friend annabella tried to find a way through the darkness, we felt around the room for an exit to find a door that was not there before. We open the door only to become nauseous and fall over, the last thing we both saw was blurred faces in which we could not recognize.

2 hour earlier…

It was a dark stormy day and I and my friend annabella decided to sneak into our school and head to the library. I quickly picklocked the entrance to the library, we went inside and made our way towards the computers. We decided to delete some programs on the computer to allow us to search for anime on da googlez. Suddenly everything felt like it was moving around us and both of our visions went dark, we woke up in a dark room. The room was dark and cold we felt out of place, me and annabella tried to find a way through the darkness, we felt around the room to find a door that was never there. We quickly open the door only to become nauseous and fall over, the last thing we remember was blurred faces in which we could not recognize

We woke up to see the faces of the axis and allies. I and annabella saw Germany, Italy, Japan, America, England (with his caterpillars), china, Russia, and France.

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