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b.allen - - -

A few days later, Barry received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Help me please," he was certain that he just heard Shay whispering, "Please, please help me."

"Shay?" Barry asked, stopping his tracks, "What's happening? Where are you?"

He heard soft sobs from the other end of the line, "I-Its dark. I can't see anything. It's too quiet, I'm scared. Just please get me out of here, she's going to kill me."

Barry didn't let her speak another word as he ran to STAR labs. He handed Cisco his phone, "Get the location and tell me right away."

"Who—" Caitlin was cut off by the papers flying around her, which meant that Barry just ran away.

"The location is," Cisco started, connecting Barry's phone on his computer then typed away on his trusty keyboard, "That old asylum near the Iron Heights."

The hero got to the place immediately. He looked around the whole three floors, but had no luck. He was sure that this was the place Shay described.

"Try the basements, Allen," he heard Dr. Wells' voice through his earpiece. "Asylums have basements for their extra dangerous patients."

"Wait," Caitlin asked, "Who are we actually saving?"

"Shay Kinsleigh, we're friends," the young hero whispered.

As he was roaming through the basement, he heard a heavy thump in the room near the end of the hall. He rushed to the door with the numbers 014 and opened it, only to see Shay passed out on the floor with a bleeding gash on her temple. She also had her hand still wrapped around her phone. Seeing her bleed made Barry fume with blazing anger. It just got personal right now. Psy-kill should watch her back because she wouldn't see The Flash coming.

- - -

Barry came in the labs with an unconscious woman in his arms, "She needs medical attention."

"Wow, she's hot," Cisco said, causing all three heads to turn at him. "Oh, uhm, okay maybe not."

Caitlin, being the doctor that she is, prepared the medical bed for the poor girl to use. Barry's heart was beating so fast that he felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. He set her down carefully on the bed then the female doctor checked  her vitals right away, "The heartbeat's still there. She lost an awful amount of blood. We would need to stitch her up before she wakes up so she wont feel the pain. She'll be fine after a few hours."

He left Caitlin to take care of Shay. He walked back to Cisco and Harrison Wells with a heavy heart.

"Let me get this straight," the young Ramon tapped his pen on his lower lip, "Where was the glorious kidnapper?"

"She wasn't there," Barry answered.

"She wasn't there? For real? I don't get it. Why would you kidnap a person and leave them there to be saved?"

Dr Wells tuned out the conversation Barry and Cisco were in and focused on the girl Caitlin was tending. The handicapped doctor knew that this was a part of his former student's plan. He needed to step ahead of her and plan something unexpected. He took a glance at Barry's face, and his heart just sinked. Shrader had Barry tied around her finger. She could easily control him with just a simple movement. Harrison Wells must act quickly to save the city's hero from falling for his doom.

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h e l l o ! !

i have a bucky barnes ff so please check it out :) (shameless self promo)

-k x

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