Diary Entry 132

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June 8th 2016, 1.21 am

Dear you,

Remember those nights when we stay up?
When we yawn.
When our voice become so soar from talking.
Remember when you would txt me, when Im asleep.
Begging for me to wake up.
Contemplating whether you should wake me up or not.
Because your early nights is my early mornings.
Remember you would still txt even your busy.
Remember when you would say, no one can stop me talking to you.

And so, what happened?

Remember, when you used to care?
Remember when you were like that?
What happened to you, to us?

How did it changed so quick?

I know...
I know, there is no chance for us.
No chance for us to be together.
With our distance...
Its hard,
I know.

Im loosing you.
Although you said that you would love me always,
I feel that your purposely letting yourself move away from me.
Is that true?

I feel empty and lost.
Sad. Hopeless.

I notice, that you slowly do things your own.
You started to have a life with plans and goals.
I notice our talks decreased.
I notice our txts decreased.
I notice your, I love yous decreased.
I notice, you become further away.

Did I lost a piece of you?
Have I already did?

I stayed, promise after broken promise, compromise after broken compromise.

You stayed, promising me that you weren't going anywhere.

So please. Why make me feel like this?
You told me to be understanding due to your busy schedule...

But what about me?
At work I would run out pretend Im going "toilet" to talk to you.
At uni, I would walk out of class to wake you up for your morning gym.
I wouldn't mind the heat and the cold. Just to talk to you.
I cant talk to you at home anymore.
Everyone hates you.
So I would go out in freezing cold to talk to you.

Because each moment is precious to me.
Because I don't know when you will ask me to leave again.

I don't know when you will ask me to leave you again..
It might be tonight. Tomorrow.

So I try to keep much memory of you.
Because when your gone.
I would only have the memory of you.


Dear,  YouWhere stories live. Discover now