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Trust me,
I have tried.
I tried to put this madness into words.
The complexity of emotions,
The overwhelming thoughts of you.
I tried to put into words.

"I love you"
is typically all I can think of.

My love for you is not something that I can even begin to accurately describe.

I may not be perfect,
And I certainly will make plenty of mistakes.
But I promise you,
Without any doubt in my mind,
Is that I have every intention of spending every single day loving you.
I will continue to learn to do it better
And more completely in ways that you need me to.

You are the man I hope to spend forever with.
My love of my life.
My fairy tale prince.
My jaanu.

And in between the heart wrenching screaming,
In between the tears shed,
I screamed, "What do you want!?"
And silently you said,



Dear,  YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ