Chapter 11

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Aphmau' s P.O.V

??? - "APHMAU ?!"

Aphmau - "Katelyn ! Look up !"

Katelyn - "Get down !"

Aphmau - "You come up !"

( All the girls come up)

Aphmau - "Who are you guys ?!"

Kawaii~Chan - " Don't worry Aphmau~Senpai ! These are Kawaii~Chan's friends !"

Aphmau - "Then why don't you introduce them to me ?"

After half an hour I learned all their names.

Aphmau - "So , Cadenza , Laurence's sister , likes fashion , Emmalyn is the genius , Kiki is the animal lover , Nicole the fighter , Zoey the barrier magic user and Lucinda the witch.Am I right or am I right ?"

Nicole - "Wow ! Your fast !"

Aphmau - "Heh...I didn't have any friends...everyone was and is afraid of me , the way I felt like my every move was judged..."

Cadenza - "Well , you don't have to worry about that anymore !"

Emmalyn - "Yup ! After seeing your courage with Ivy , there's only one thing left to do !"

Aphmau - "What ? Shut me down ? Well I won't mind , I'm used to it."

Kiki - "No silly ! Your so blunt ! The only thing left to do is become your friends !"

Aphmau - "I don't think that's a good idea , Ivy and her friends might start hating you because of it..."

Zoey - "Well , She already hates us so it'll be nice taunting her."

Aphmau - I chuckled and said "Let's head back to the cafeteria , we don't want Ivy or her minions spreading dirt about us now do we ? Wait a minute , what are the minions names ?" I soon learnt that the Mei'fa with purple hair and eyes was her right hand girl , Michi and her left hand girl with black hair and purple eyes , Lillian .

Katelyn - "They used to have boyfriends , lasting for a week each , but all of them except the P.B Group and Aaron are were played with."

Kiki - " Michi once played my younger brother , Brenden and he was so happy that a girl had noticed him. They were supposedly 'Dating' and the next day he saw saw Michi shamelessly flirting with Laurence. "

Nicole - "Yeah , I was there at that time...he was so heartbroken , the poor boy."

Aphmau - "Well , that's shouldn't happen anytime soon with P.B Group...they're not stupid...Oh no we left Ivy alone !"

Emmalyn - " Nope ! She right under the tree."

Cadenza - "Huh ? What do you mean Emmalyn ?"

Katelyn - "That means that they are stalking us. Again."

Aphmau - "Again ?"

Lucinda - "Many boys have crushes on they try to find out what's so special us."

Aphmau - "Well , than they can keep stalking us because we girls are hot and it's totally original.

Zoey - "Yup ! Now let's get down before we get late for class. The bell will be ringing in a minute."

Nicole - "Yes ma'am !"

Aphmau - "I think you mean 'YES MOM !"

Kawaii~Chan - "Tee~her ! Kawaii~Chan likes Aphmau~Senpai's sense of humour ! Tee~hee~hee~hee !"

(Everybody gets down)

Lillian - "You little pea-headed brats ! How dare you speak about us like that !"

Aphmau- "Just like I dared to rearrange your friend's make-up I dared to say like that ! Got a problem ?! Yes ?! No ?! I don't care !"

Michi - "How dare you speak to Lillian~Sama like that ! Nya~ ?!"

Aphmau - "Are you deaf or something ? I just told you ! Now unless you want a makeover , I suggest you move out of my way and stop talking to me , because your disturbing and disgustingly squeaky voice , which you somehow think is attractive , is giving me a MEGA headache. "

(P.B Group coming out of the bushes)

Dante - "#Burn Michi !"

Nicole - "No kidding Aphmau , Michi's

Garroth - "#MegaBurn !"

Kawaii~Chan - "Will somebody please call an ambulance because Kawaii~Chan just saw Michi~Chan get a third-degree burn !"


Aphmau - "Listen up brats ! Number 1 - You just met me yesterday. And Number 2 - I already regret it , your voices are actually giving me Mega Headaches Number 3 you guys reek of make-up. I mean how do you sleep at night ?! That smell is SO artificial and fake that Barbie would be jealous !" I saw a flash of hatered go through her eyes and I knew something...This Meant War......which I had kind of won already.

(Michi and Lillian leave)

I notice everybody was staring at Kawaii~Chan , who was beginning to freak out.

Lucinda - "Wow....I'm not sure what just happened."

Zane - "Kawaii~Chan just sassed someone..."


Kawaii~Chan - "Just how Aphmau~Senpai and Katelyn~Sama have courage to stand up to Ivy~Sama and her friends , I decided I would too."

Reese - "Good Job Kawaii~Chan ! I always knew you had it in you."

Kawaii~Chan - " Thanks Reese~Kun." (Blushes)

Aphmau - "Is their something I'm missing ?"

Reese & Kawaii~Chan - (Blushing like crazy)

(Bell Rings)

Zoey - "Let's get to class."

Katelyn - "Or let's do something more fun. Aphmau , up for it ?"

Aphmau - "Anytime" I said while putting on my headphones and switching on 'Dangerous Woman' by Ariana Grande.

(Others look confused)

Aphmau & Katelyn - "We're ditching !"

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