Chapter 8

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Aphmau's P.O.V


I got an alarm clock instead of my normal song because I read somewhere , that of you keep a song you like as your alarm tone , you will end up hating it , and no way am I taking any chances.
Morning world. I hate you. Why did you have to take my parents away from me ?! For a whole month ! Uhh....time to get ready for school. I took a quick shower with cherry blossom shampoo and shower gel. I had picked out my clothes the night before. It was a white top with some nature-ey designs , some black jeans , black and white sneakers , my other leather jacket (I have two) and my black handbag with white studs. I took out a black necklace for an accessory. For make-up I put on some red lipstick , eyeliner and smokey eyeshadow. No mascara today. I sprayed on some perfume . I feel nature-ey today. Pink Chiffon ! Where are you ?! I thought while going through my perfume drawer. Yes , I keep a drawer for perfumes. Don't judge. In my opinion , it helps finding things better. I keep it in a colour-wise order. Why are so many bottles pink ?! Ah , found it ! About time too ! I don't have much patience with anything , but I think you noticed it already.

If you are wondering why I don't use any blush or foundation much , it's because my face is naturally beautiful

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If you are wondering why I don't use any blush or foundation much , it's because my face is naturally beautiful. I was born tanned , just like my mom. I can't get paler or tanner even if I want to. I uploaded a video and then I woke up Levin and Malichi.

I made some bacon for breakfast , while my adorable brothers got ready. We had 20 minutes before school so I let them play Minecraft for a bit , while I arranged my desk. I regretted sprinted to my desk because I tripped , no , rather fell over my guitar case. Didn't you know ? I play guitar and violin. How else do you expect me to make the calm scenes or joyfull ending sounds in my videos ? After I was done , I gave the boys their helmets. What ? I wanted to ride my bike. I was wearing the perfect outfit for it. I got kid helmets for them at the mall , a few days ago .My mom thinks this is dangerous , but I would rather die than let them get a scratch. I told them to go to the garage and put on their helmets while I locked up the house. I went to the garage and sat Levin first and Malachi second. I sat behind Malachi and started the car , riding off to school. As I reached school I saw the boys run off to meet a girl wearing a purple t-shirt and white shorts with dark blonde hair and purple eyes and a pink bow in her hair ,

 As I reached school I saw the boys run off to meet a girl wearing a purple t-shirt and white shorts with dark blonde hair and purple eyes and a pink bow in her hair ,

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a girl wearing a dinosaur costume with blonde hair and golden eyes ,

a girl wearing a light pink and white striped t-shirt and a jean jumpsuit with light green eyes and brown hair

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a girl wearing a light pink and white striped t-shirt and a jean jumpsuit with light green eyes and brown hair

a girl wearing a light pink and white striped t-shirt and a jean jumpsuit with light green eyes and brown hair

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and a boy wearing a green t-shirt with white shorts with light brown hair and green eyes.

"Levin ! Malachi ! Are these your new friends you were telling me about ?" I asked them

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"Levin ! Malachi ! Are these your new friends you were telling me about ?" I asked them.
"Yes Aphmoo !" Levin said , "Alexis ! Meghan ! Abby ! Kyle ! Meet my big sister Aphmoo !" Malachi yelled. "Hi Aphmoo !" The girls cried out in unison. "Hey Apple !" the boy said. I smiled and said , "Well , it's nice to meet you all . My name is Aphmau or as my brothers call me Aphmoo. Now tell me who's who ?" The pink haired girl was Alexis , the blonde Megan , the light brown Abby and the boy was Kyle. "Wait Abby.....that name sounds familiar.....Abby are you Jeffrey's little sister ?" "Yes I am ! Do you know my big brother ?" Abby said. "Oh yes ! Your big brother is a friend of mine. And he has told me all about you !" I said. Suddenly Abby started smiling and said ,"Levin ! Malachi ! I love your sister ! She's awesome !" Wow that went from 0 to 10 really fast. I mean I know I'm good with kids but not that good that they start running and jumping around in joy ! Heh.....I suddenly heard a voice saying , "I see you've met my sister already" I turned around and saw Jeffrey with the boys behind him."Heh yes....she's adorable. A total angel."I replied. "Have any siblings here ?" he asked. "Yup !" I said popping the 'p'. "The blonde one with blue eyes is Levin and the dark brown one with dark green eyes is Malachi."I described. Levin went to Garroth and said , "You look like me , but elder." Malachi did the same to Jeffrey. I smiled as Garroth and Jeffry blushed and my brothers ran off.

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