Chapter 17 | Language

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Chapter 17 | Language

Before I knew it, Saturday came hastily.
As usual, Mark's parties are always in the late evening.
I wonder why he's called a celebration for everyone.
I actually just woke up, directly struck by the rays of light, shining through the window.
"Wait a minute. Window? I've never seen that before." I thought to myself.
I sat up straight and realized there was actually a slider that can cover and reveal the window when wished.
"That's cool." I mumbled.

Until now, Mom and Dad still haven't contacted me about when they're coming back and why they ever left.
It's been 3 days since I last talked to them.
I don't know how they've been and if they're still fine.

"Hay." I sighed.
Disrupting my thoughts, someone knocked on my door.
It's Dan.
"Hey. Are you alright?" Dan entered the room.
"Yeah. I'm good. What's up?" I sit upright on the bed.

"Uhm, just checking on you." he said.
"It's already 7 AM. Have you eaten?" he continued as he came in the room.
"Not yet. Have you?"
"Nope. I was actually hoping we could eat together." he held his hand out.
"Sure." I took it.

Ever since Tuesday, I've been staying along with Dan and Andy.
I took some stuff from my house the other day and brought them over here.
Right now, I'm in my pajamas. There are little stars on it and they sparkle like real ones.

When we reached downstairs, breakfast was already prepared.
I could inhale the delicious scent roaming the room.
"It smells great." I complimented.
"Thanks." he smiled.

Finally, we reached the table. I walked over to the other side and Dan helped me sit down. He pulled and pushed the chair for me.
He sat on the other side and led the prayer.

"Lord," he started.
"Thank you for everything." he closed his eyes.
"Thank you for the food, the comfort, the blessings and the love. Please bless us, oh Lord and these thy gifts; which we're all about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord. Amen." he continued.
"In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen." we said in chorus.

"Dig in." he said.
I took bacon and some bread.
"Hey." he called.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I heard you can speak lots of languages." he mumbled after taking his bacon and bread.

"Really? And who told you that?" I asked, after taking a bite of my bacon sandwich.
"Uh, you don't need to know." he chuckled.
"Is it true?" he asked.

"Uhm, I only know a little of Italian, Ilonggo, Ilocano, French, Spanish and super little of Korean." I humbly muttered.
"Psh! Only?" he raised his eyebrow.
"Why are you asking?" I took another bite.
"I was hoping you could teach me." he smiled broadly.

"Why not use google translate?" I was curious.
"I'm pretty sure that it'll be a lot more fun with you," he stared into my eyes.

I can feel the side-effects taking place.
My cheeks burning up, my heart jumping out of my rib cage and my body tingling from all the emotions.
"Okay then," I smiled.
"So uhm, what words do you want to learn?" I asked.

"Forgive me for not knowing but what's hello in Spanish, Italian and French?"
"You don't know?" I almost choked on what I was chewing.
"How could you not know that?" I asked.
"I'm sorry for not listening to Dora when I was younger."
"Haha! Okay okay. So it's Hola, Ciao, and Bonjour."

"What?" Dan's jaw hangs out.
"Hola. Ciao. Bonjour." I boast.
"How do you even spell that?" he asks.
"I don't know. I said I could only speak it, not write." I reminded.
"Oh." he nods his head.

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