Chapter 5 | Eyes On You

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Chapter 5 | Eyes On You

Suddenly, Jordan became quiet.
"Why so quiet?" I ask turning to him.
He wasn't looking at the view anymore. He was looking at me.
"You're doing it again." I told him.
"Doing what?"
"Staring," I said.

He chuckled and smirked but, take note, he didn't deny it.
"Do you find it rude?" he asks.
"Depends on how you stare,"

He leaned closer to me, bringing his aroma along and leaving it roaming my face once more.
At times like this, my heart beats much faster. My thoughts all jumble up in my head. My blood rushes faster than usual.
My face turns red and heats up. The electric shock, bringing me to jolt inside was one of the severe side effects of moments like this. The touch, the contact, the stares, they will all bring you to jolt inside.

Bringing my self back to reality, I realized he bit his lip and stared dirtily into my eyes.

"Well then, how do I stare?" he moves his head side to side while his eyebrows dance.
"That's for me to keep to myself. You, on the other hand, it's for you to find out."
"Do you want me to stop staring?"

"If I said no, would you stop?" I asked.
"No, it's just fun to know whether someone likes or dislikes it when I stare."

I couldn't breathe properly anymore. My body was barely holding things together.
He released the tense moment and distanced his face from mine.
I, finally, got to breathe again. In a couple of seconds, everything went back to normal.

"God is good." I mumbled, again, not loud enough for him to hear.
"Huh?" he asks.
"Nothing." I lie.
He just nods and looks back into the view so I look back as well.

Moments later, he spoke.
"This is one eye-capturing view," he verbally remarked.
"Yeah, I'm lucky to have this unit."
"That's not what I meant." he commented.

What does he mean by that, then? I look at him and catch him glancing at me, once more.
Why do you have to stare at me? There goes the side effects; raging in my body, partially going crazy.

"Breathe, Hannah. Breathe." I reminded myself.

"I meant, people spend thousands and maybe even millions traveling around the world in hope, to find something barely as beautiful as this." he glanced right into my eyes, intently.
"It's unfair." he continued.

What is he talking about? Is it just me who's confused?
My father had also spent money for this condo unit.
I think it is just fair for both sides.

"All you have to do is look into the mirror." he added.
I was left speechless. I had just realized that he had complimented me. He thinks I'm pretty?
Senselessly, I smiled.

"And the side effects get worse." I warned myself.

"Thank you." I blushed, again.
I'm blushing way too much. Why are making me feel so special?
Are you being truthful or are you being a bastard?

I excused myself and ran into the restroom. I took heavy, deep, breaths.

I looked at myself.
"I can do this," I encouraged myself.
I stared at my face in the mirror. I wash my face, in hope that I was just tired and that I overreacted.

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