6. Ringo #2

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"Love, would you like to have a stroll in the park today?" Ringo, your boyfriend of a few years asked as he looked up from the book he was reading.

You thought for a moment and noticed how lovely the weather was outside, not a cloud in sight.

"Sure, why not?" You said jumping up from your seat.

You held his hand as the two of you walked through the park. Ringo looked around with a smile on his face as he snapped a few pictures with his camera. You admired how happy he always looked, it was something you loved most about him. You looked up at the bright sky, failing to notice the sly smirk that crept onto Ringo's face. He quickly lifted his camera and snapped a picture of you.

"Hey!" You yelled, shaking your head as he laughed.

"Got you," he said flashing you a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, well I'll get you for that," you said, narrowing your eyes at him while he pretended to be scared of you.

A little while later, Ringo found a peaceful spot to rest for a bit. The two of you laid out on the grass side by side. You smiled contentedly when you heard his soft snores. You rolled onto your side to look at him. He looked so sweet, his tousled hair framing his soft face nicely, his mouth rested in a small smile. You were genuinely happy he was yours. You also couldn't help but be genuinely happy he left his camera unattended next to him. You snatched it up and carefully put one leg over him, straddling him but very careful not to wake him up. You quickly snapped the picture, the flash causing his face to wrinkle as he awoke.

"What're you-"

Then his big eyes widened as he figure you out, "You got me, aye?"

He took the camera out of your hands as you nodded and placed it beside him before he rolled you over and pinned you to the grass. You giggled under him as he kissed your neck and made his way up to your lips, firmly pressing his to yours.

He pulled away and leaned into your ear, "Clever, but you best keep one eye open, cause now it's my turn," he said.

He pulled away from your ear, gave you a wink and placed a quick kiss on your forehead. This was going to be a fun day.

A little cheesy but Ringo is such a cute pie so I really wanted to write a cute imagine about him today. Hope you liked it!

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