4. George

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Imagine George being interviewed. You stand on the sidelines watching and waiting for all the cameras to stop flashing and all the manic reporters to quit asking their silly questions. George and the rest of the boys politely answered their questions though.

"Is fame what you imagined it would be?"

"What was America like?"

"When will your next album be released?"

It seemed like they never stopped.

George called on one reporter who stepped up and asked, "George, would you like to comment on your relationship with Ms. (y/l/n)?"

George smiled and looked over to you. His brown eyes brushed over you as he thought about his reply.

He kept his eyes on you all the while, "Well," he began, "she's the loveliest bird in the world and I still can't believe she's mine," he finished, making your cheeks turn bright red.

Paul and John laughed and began whispering to each other.

George's head whipped around to the both of them, "Oh, come off it you two," he said in his Liverpudlian accent, making the room erupt with laughter.

The reporter continued, "People are saying she's the luckiest girl in the world, what do you have to say about that?"

George laughed and grabbed the mic and quickly said, "I can assure you, I'm the lucky one."

He looked over and gave you a wink and you wanted nothing more than to hold him so tightly in that moment. This interview couldn't end soon enough and as soon as it did he jogged over to you, a smirk on his face.

"Did you enjoy yourself, darling?" He asked sarcastically.

But really you did.
You grabbed him by his tie and pulled him into a hallway near by.

"What's all this-"

But you kept hold of his tie and dragged him into a long kiss. You could feel a smile on his lips as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Alright lovebirds, not in front of the children," John said, playfully shielding Ringo and Paul's eyes.

The two of you laughed as you walked back to the taxi with the rest of the boys and onto the next interview.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this quick George imagine. I thought it was a little cheesy but I was in the mood to write a fluffy imagine. Anyway, hope you liked it!

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