5. Paul #2

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"Paul, can you even hear a word I'm saying?" John asks as he waves a hand in front of Paul's face.

"What?" Paul says snapping back into reality.

John looks over at the one who had captured his bandmate's gaze and a smirk creeps into his face.

"Well, well, boys, looks like Paulie's got his eyes on that one," he says as he nods his head towards you.

You look over at them and John gives you a wave.

Paul quickly smacks his hand down, "Come off it, John!"

He says, his face turning bright red. The boys all let out a laugh, teasing him unmercifully. He turns to glance and you and you smile and give him a wave. His face lights up as he waves back at you. He gets up and straightens his suit.

"Hey, where do you think you're off to?" John asks.

"Where do ya think?" Paul says, giving him a wink.

John lets out a giggle as he turns to George and Ringo, pointing his thumb towards Paul as he walks towards your table.

"Hello love," he says as he sits down and rests his head on his hand, studying your face with the sweetest of smiles.

"Hello," you say shyly.

John lets out a wolf whistle from across the restaurant.

Paul's head turns to John and then back at you, rolling his eyes with a laugh, "Don't mind them, they're just jealous," he says.

The two of you continued to talk until he had to go back to rehearsal. You left to walk towards the door but before you left you felt a hand on yours. You turn to see Paul grinning as he slips a piece of paper with his number on it into your hand.

"Well I'll have to see you again," he says, explaining himself.

Before you could say anything he ran off to join the other boys. You looked at the paper and then back up to see him turn around. As you met eyes, he gave you a quick wink before he twirled back around and continued walking. You couldn't wipe the smile off your face for days and you couldn't wait to see him again.

Hope you guys liked this second imagine for Paul! -Rachel 💜

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